Parallel: EFT: [Room C]
- Tim Cohen (University of Oregon)
- Nicolas Berger (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
- Andrei Gritsan (Johns Hopkins University (US))
Parallel C ZOOM Meeting: 617 4486 8526
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Mattermost channel for discussions:
In the Standard Model, CP violation in the Electroweak sector is parametrized by the Jarlskog Invariant. This is the flavor invariant sensitive to CP violation with the least number of Yukawa matrices that can be built. When higher dimensional operators are allowed, and the Standard Model Effective Field Theory is constructed, numerous new sources for CP violation can appear. However, the...
The JHUGenerator framework includes an event generator of all anomalous Higgs boson interactions in both production and decay and the MELA library for matrix element analyses. The framework also allows using dimension-six operators of an EFT in on-shell and off-shell production together with triple and quartic gauge boson interactions. One new feature is the JHUGenLexicon interface for...
The latest CMS measurements of the Higgs CP properties and anomalous couplings in the H->ZZ and H->tautau final states and their combination will be discussed.
In the absence of direct observations of new physics beyond the Standard Model, interpretations of results using Effective Field Theories can be a powerful tool to place near-model-independent constraints on new physics scenarios, or better observe deviations from the Standard Model and have it interpreted in terms of specific new interactions. This talk presents Effective Field Theory...
Particles which acquire some fixed fraction of their mass from the Higgs are non-decoupling since their coupling to the Higgs grows in proportion to their mass. In particular, particles which acquire more than half of their mass from the Higgs, here termed Loryons, are appropriately described by HEFT rather than SMEFT. As such, BSM Loryons are a simple perturbative UV completion of HEFT which...
An important question for both phenomenologists and experimentalists is whether one can put limits on UV model parameters by matching the full theory onto the SMEFT. I will show that this is possible but the limits set through a SMEFT framework are weaker than they would be for the full model. This is because truncating the SMEFT Lagrangian at dimension six and matching to the full model...
Global interpretations of particle physics data in the context of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) rely on the combination of a wide range of physical observables from many different processes. A key open question to inform such global SMEFT fits is how one can construct new classes of measurements that bring in, in a well-defined statistical sense, a maximal amount of...
The search for effective field theory deformations of the Standard Model (SM) is a major goal of particle physics that can benefit from a global approach in the framework of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT). For the first time, we include LHC data on top production and differential distributions together with Higgs production and decay rates and Simplified Template...
We present a global interpretation of Higgs, diboson, and top quark production and decay measurements from the LHC in the framework of the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT) at dimension six. We constrain simultaneously 36 independent directions in its parameter space, and compare the outcome of the global analysis with that from individual and two-parameter fits. Our results are...