24–26 Nov 2021
Europe/Brussels timezone

Volcanic Eruption Forecasting using Cosmic Ray Muography and Artificial Intelligence

25 Nov 2021, 15:30
Het Pand, Zaal August Vermeylen (Ghent)

Het Pand, Zaal August Vermeylen


Het Pand Onderbergen 1, B-9000 Gent Belgium
Poster Applications Poster session


Thomas Chen (Academy for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering)


Machine learning algorithms have preliminarily been shown to have the potential to predict volcanic eruptions by training on muon data. The high-energy particles are used to map the interior of the volcano, chiefly due to muon's relatively high mass. In this poster, we discuss opportunities in this area. Challenges include curating the large-scale datasets that are necessary for deep learning applications like this one. We show intercomparisons between muography methods and traditional techniques like seismicity, deformation, and gas emission in terms of prediction efficacy.


Thomas Chen (Academy for Mathematics, Science, and Engineering)

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