24–26 Nov 2021
Europe/Brussels timezone

Talks and Posters


For all speakers, please make sure to provide slides either in Acrobat (PDF) or Power Point (ppt or pptx) format; there will be no support for other formats. If non-standard fonts are used in your slides, please use PDF format as it embeds fonts, otherwise we cannot guarantee your presentation will be displayed correctly. During the sessions, the talks will be displayed from laptops running Windows; using personal laptops will not be possible. Please upload your talk to the workshop indico page latest the evening before your talk is scheduled.


For poster presenters, given the large fraction of remote participants, the poster session will be organized online, via Zoom breakout rooms. Nonetheless, we ask that all posters are prepared in a regular fashion, in standard A0 format and portrait orientation (Width=841mm, Height=1189mm). Please upload your poster to the workshop indico page, in Acrobat (PDF) format, before the start of the workshop, such that participants have time to browse through all contributions before the poster session.

Uploading contributions

Find your contribution (talk or poster) in the "Contribution List" or in the "Timetable", click on the pencil icon and upload your file(s). In case of problems, you can also send your file to us by email and we will upload it to Indico for you.