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Mu2e Straw Tube Tracker Pre-Production Panel Performance Studies

13 Jul 2021, 17:00
Track C (Zoom)

Track C


talk Particle Detectors Particle Detectors


Yongyi Wu (University of Michigan)


The Mu2e experiment aims to measure the neutrinoless, muon-to-electron conversion process in the field of a nucleus with a single event sensitivity of $2.8×10^{-17}$. The Mu2e tracker utilizes an array of straw tube panels in a solenoidal magnetic field to track the conversion electrons and measure their momenta. Using pre-production panels, tracker operation and diagnosis schemes were developed and implemented. Straw channel noise levels were shown to meet the design requirements at optimized thresholds. Using $^{55}$Fe radioactive source data and cosmic data, a wire-based time division calibration was performed and the associated longitudinal wire position resolution was measured to be better than 35 mm.

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Primary author

Yongyi Wu (University of Michigan)

Presentation materials