The Light Dark Matter eXperiment (LDMX) is a planned small-scale accelerator-based experiment to search for dark matter in the sub-GeV mass region. Finalizing the design of the detector relies on Monte-Carlo simulation of expected physics processes. A distributed computing pilot project was initiated based around existing software used by other communities, including Rucio for data management....
We present the current state of the DUNE Rucio deployment and plans for extension and expansion. Results will include new monitoring and testing that has been
added as well as plans for moving from the current hybrid system to a native
Rucio deployment.
This talk will present the speaker's onboarding experience as someone new to Rucio, covering the aspects of using documentation, building and standing up the containers, and configuring the Rucio system. Furthermore, specifics will be discussed in regard to the customization in development to meet the project requirements for LCLS, a free electron laser that produces ultra fast X-ray pulses.
We will be presenting our experiences and results for LOFAR use case using ESCAPE data lake and Rucio. Reflections on future requirements including for other data sets (e.g. APERTIF) shall also be deliberated.
Experiments and scientists, whether in the process of designing and building up a data management system or managing multi-petabyte data historically, gather in the European Science Cluster of Astronomy & Particle physics ESFRI research infrastructures (ESCAPE) project to address computing challenges by developing common solutions in the context of the EOSC.
A modular ecosystem of services...