4th Rucio Community Workshop (Virtual)
Rucio is a software framework that provides functionality to organize, manage, and access large volumes of scientific data using customisable policies. The data can be spread across globally distributed locations and across heterogeneous data centers, uniting different storage and network technologies as a single federated entity. Rucio offers advanced features such as distributed data recovery or adaptive replication, and is highly scalable, modular, and extensible. Rucio has been originally developed to meet the requirements of the high-energy physics experiment ATLAS, and is continuously extended to support LHC experiments and other diverse scientific communities.
We set up a mailing list to which you can subscribe and where we will send more details about the program in the coming weeks.
We also created a Slack channel dedicated to the workshop discussion on the Rucio Slack workspace (Invitation Link). Join #workshop.
Agustin Bruzzese
Alastair Dewhurst
Aman Goel
Andrea Manzi
Andrea Rendina
Andreas Haupt
Andrew Bohdan Hanushevsky
Andrew McNab
Anil Panta
Antoon Prins
Arfath Pasha
Armin Nairz
Artem Petrosyan
Barbara Borgia
Benedikt Ziemons
Brandon White
Brian Yanny
Catalin Condurache
Cecilia Duran Osuna
Cedric Serfon
Chien-De Li
Claudio Cacciari
Crystal Michelle Chua
Daniela Bauer
Dave Morris
David Cameron
David South
Dimitrios Christidis
Dirk Hufnagel
Doug Benjamin
Erich Birngruber
Etienne Lyard
Fabio Andrijauskas
Fabio Hernandez
Federica Legger
Frederic Gillardo
Gabriele Gaetano Fronze'
Gaia Cipolletta
Gareth Hughes
Garyfallia Paspalaki
Gavin Biffar
Gernot Maier
Gino Marchetti
Giuseppe Andronico
Giuseppe Lo Presti
Gonzalo Merino
Greg Daues
Heather Kelly
I Ueda
Ilija Vukotic
Ivan Glushkov
James Walder
JJ Kavelaars
John Steven De Stefano Jr
Judith Lorraine Stephen
Kajal Dixit
Katy Ellis
Kenny Lo
Konstantinos Servis
Lachlan Campbell
Lorena Lobato Pardavila
Maithili Kalamkar Stam
Marco Günter
Marek Szuba
Mario Lassnig
Marshall McDonnell
Martin Barisits
Matthew Snyder
Michelangelo Bottura
Michelle Butler
Mieke Bouwhuis
Muhammad Aleem Sarwar
Natalie Danezi
Nick Smith
Olga Sergijenko
Oliver Keeble
Onno Zweers
Pascal Paschos
Patrick Dowler
Paul James Laycock
Paul Musset
Paul Nilsson
Peter Caligari
Radu Carpa
Rahul Chauhan
Raymond Oonk
Riccardo Bruno
Riccardo Di Maria
Rizart Dona
Rob Barnsley
Robert Andrew Currie
Robert Illingworth
Rohini Joshi
Roland Walter
Ron Trompert
Rosie Bolton
Ruslan Mashinistov
Sayanta Neogi
sayanta neogi
Shishir Roy
Stefan Piperov
Steven Timm
Tiansu Yu
Tiansu Yu
Timothy Noble
Tuan Minh Pham
V.N. Pandey
Vasilka Chergarova
Volodymyr Savchenko
Wei Yang
Wenlong Yuan
Wilko Kroeger
Yan Grange
Yuyi Guo