28–30 Sept 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Rucio for the Light Dark Matter eXperiment (LDMX)

28 Sept 2021, 16:00


David Cameron (University of Oslo (NO))


The Light Dark Matter eXperiment (LDMX) is a planned small-scale accelerator-based experiment to search for dark matter in the sub-GeV mass region. Finalizing the design of the detector relies on Monte-Carlo simulation of expected physics processes. A distributed computing pilot project was initiated based around existing software used by other communities, including Rucio for data management. Rucio is primarily used as a dataset catalog, and LDMX also makes extensive use of Rucio metadata to record physics properties as well as bookkeeping information on the data produced. In this talk we describe how Rucio is used by LDMX and propose some possible extensions to the metadata functionality.


Balazs Konya (Lund University (SE)) David Cameron (University of Oslo (NO)) Lene Kristian Bryngemark (Stanford University (US))

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