21–25 Feb 2022
Vienna University of Technology
Europe/Vienna timezone

Silicon pixel-detector R&D for future lepton colliders

24 Feb 2022, 09:00
Vienna University of Technology

Vienna University of Technology

Gusshausstraße 27-29, 1040 Wien
Live Presentation Semiconductor Detectors Semiconductor Detectors


Dominik Dannheim (CERN)


The physics aims at future lepton colliders such as CLIC or FCC-ee pose challenging demands on the performance of the vertex and tracking-detector systems. A single-plane spatial resolution of a few microns is needed, combined with a low mass of ~0.2%-1% X0 per layer. Moreover, hit-time tagging with a few ns resolution is required for beam-background rejection at CLIC. An even better timing precision below 100 ps on pixel level opens up the possibility of particle-identification by time of flight measurements within the tracking layers. To address these detector requirements, a broad R&D program on new silicon detector technologies is being pursued within various collaborative frameworks, such as the CERN EP R&D program, AIDAinnova and the CLICdp collaboration. Different hybrid technologies with innovative sensor concepts are explored as candidates for the vertex-detectors. Furthermore, alternative interconnects such as bonding using anisotropic conductive films (ACF) are under development. Advanced monolithic depleted CMOS sensors are under study both for the vertex and the tracking detectors. To predict and optimise the performance of the various prototypes, a fast and versatile Monte Carlo Simulation Tool (Allpix-Squared) has been developed. This contribution introduces the requirements and gives an overview of the R&D program for silicon-based vertex and tracking detectors, highlighting new results from measurements and simulations of recent prototypes.

Primary experiment CLICdp


Presentation materials