The T2K experiment has obtained a first indication of CP violation in neutrino oscillations. To improve its sensitivity to CP violation, the near neutrino detector ND280 will be upgraded to provide a 4\pi solid angle, a low threshold for proton detection and measurement of neutrons using time-of-flight.
A novel 3D highly granular scintillator detector (SuperFGD,) of amass of 2 tons was...
Silicon Photomultiplers (SiPMs) are now widely accepted photodetection replacements for photomultipler tubes (PMTs) depending on end use application. Various scintillators are also currently being developed and improved for fast neutron/gamma discrimination applications. In parallel, there is a need for compact electronics to operate as front-end systems for high density SiPM array readout and...
We have developed a novel light tracker based on plastic scintillating fiber arrays readout with Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs). The tracker consists of multiple planes, with the fibers in each plane oriented perpendicularly to those in the adjacent plane, in order to allow 3D track reconstruction. The fibers in each plane have round cross sections, with a diameter of 500 um, and are...
A new readout scheme allowing the exploitation of Resistive Plate Chamber (RPC) spatial precision and using a limited number of electronic channels was designed. The new scheme which exploits the spread of the RPC induced charge on several adjacent inter-connected pads, allows the simultaneous detection of several particles without ambiguity.
In this scheme, pads are connected in rows...
GAMMA is a compact detection module for γ-spectroscopy based on a 3” LaBr$_3$(Ce+Sr) co-doped scintillation crystal readout by SiPMs aimed at superseding PMT-based readout of large scintillation crystals in Nuclear Physics experiments maintaining high resolution (<3% at 662keV) and high energy dynamic range (100keV – 30MeV), with the benefits of solid-state detectors.
The system is capable of...
In this contribution, we present ALDO2, a multi-function, adjustable, low dropout linear regulator designed in onsemi I3T80 0.35 $\mu$m HV CMOS technology for use in HEP detectors that adopt SiPMs/MPPCs.
The chip features four independent regulators, two low voltage channels (max 3.3 V) used to filter and stabilize the power supply of front-end chips, one with 0.6 A output and one with 20 mA...
Proton beam therapy has great potential to improve the treatment of cancers whilst reducing toxicity for oncology patients. However, this technique cannot exploit yet all of its potential due uncertainties in the dose deposition caused by indirect measurements of the stopping power of the materials within a patient. The aim of this work is to present a proof of concept that new...
Liquid argon (LAr) sampling calorimeters are employed by ATLAS for all electromagnetic calorimetry in the pseudo-rapidity region |η| < 3.2, and for hadronic and forward calorimetry in the region from |η| = 1.5 to |η| = 4.9. After detector consolidation during a long shutdown, Run-2 started in 2015 and about 150fb$^{-1}$ of data at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV was recorded. Phase-I...
The Super-FRS is a second-generation in-flight magnetic separator currently under construction at GSI FAIR in Darmstadt (Germany) that will make isotopic separation event by event up to the uranium element and that will be in operation at the end of 2025. New tracking detectors, as beam diagnostic, are currently under development to cope with the physics requirements of this forefront machine:...
The Topmetal-M is a newly designed Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor (MAPS). It has a matrix of 512 × 100 pixels with the pitch of 40 μm × 40 μm. The Topmetal-M is implemented with a new 130 nm High-Resistivity (> 1 kΩ∙cm) CMOS process. This process has four wells: the n-well, the p-well, the deep n-well, and the deep p-well. There are four different shapes of charge collection diode in this...
Muon Radiography (or muography) is a recent imaging methodology that uses cosmic muons to investigate the interior of large objects, such as volcanoes, mines or buildings as the pyramids. Some applications are intended to use muography to search for hidden cavities in the subsoil. In many cases the muon telescope needs to be installed underground, inside tunnels, excavated chambers or drilled...
The Two Photon Absorption – Transient Current Technique (TPA-TCT) uses fs-pulsed infrared lasers, with photon energies below the silicon band gap. Excess charge carriers are generated mainly in a small volume (approximately 1µm × 1µm × 20µm) around the focal point of the laser beam, enabling a resolution in all three spatial directions. Compared to conventional Single Photon Absorption – TCT,...
The High Luminosity upgrade of the LHC (HL-LHC) at CERN will provide unprecedented instantaneous luminosity of $\sim5 \times 10^{34}$ /$cm^{2}$ /s, leading to an average of 150-200 simultaneous collisions. This high instantaneous luminosity scenario presents a significant challenge for the detectors. The barrel region of the CMS electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) will be preserved but will be...
The DUNE experiment's goals of precision studies of neutrino oscillations, searches for proton decays, and observation of neutrinos from supernova explosions require low noise electronics for the readout of the time project chamber anodes immersed in liquid Argon.
This presentation discusses the design of the readout system for the first DUNE far detector module that uses wire based anode...
We will report the performance of the electron identification system in commissioning runs of the J-PARC E16 experiment, which were performed in 2020 and 2021.
The spectrum of vector mesons in nuclear matter is a hot topic in hadron physics. Many theoretical approaches predict the spectral change in hot/dense medium which possibly originate from the chiral symmetry restoration. We will start...
The recent R&D for underground low energy particle physics experiments involve SiPMs extensively as the prime photo-detectors due to their ability to enhance the sensitivity of the rare particle events. For cryogenic applications, the SiPMs by LFoundry are being characterised at LNGS, Italy have Dark Count rate of 0.1 cps/𝑐𝑚2-0.3 cps/𝑐𝑚2 over the range of 5-8V over-voltage with afterpulse...
In this work, we introduce a new design concept: the DC-Coupled Resistive Silicon Detectors, based on the LGAD technology. This new approach intends to address a few known features of the first generation of AC-Coupled Resistive Silicon Detectors (RSD). Our simulation exploits a fast hybrid approach based on a combination of two packages, Weightfield2 and LTSpice. It demonstrates that the key...
The coherent elastic neutrino nucleus scattering (CEvNS) is a process largely unexplored until today that could provide a new way to study the neutrino fundamental properties and open a window to search for new physics beyond the Standard Model. NUCLEUS is an above-ground CEvNS experiment conceived for the detection of neutrinos from nuclear reactors with unprecedented precision at low...
Scintillators with excellent timing and light-yield performance are on high demand by high energy physics experiments as well as medical imaging and nuclear security application. Epitaxially grown InAs quantum dots (QDs) embedded in GaAs matrix have been demonstrated to be a viable material for ultrafast radiation detection due to its higher light yield projected to 240 ph./keV, due to narrow...
High-Voltage CMOS (HV-CMOS) sensors are emerging as a prime candidate for future tracking applications that have extreme requirements on material budget, pixel granularity, time resolution and radiation tolerance. HV-CMOS sensors integrate both the sensor and readout circuits into the same substrate, thus eliminating the need for bump-bonding. The high bias voltages widen depletion regions,...
The Vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) optical link has been prevailingly researched and used for the front-end data acquisition in high-energy physics experiments. As the increasing amount of data produced by the high-energy physics experiments, the bandwidth constraints imposed by the channel and ESD become more severe, which severely limits the development of the non-return-zero...
The vertex and tracking detectors of the heavy-ion physics experiments at the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL) and the High Intensity heavy-ion Accelerator Facility (HIAF) require the development of Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor (MAPS). Hence, the Nupix-A1 has been designed in a 130nm process. It is a MAPS that can measure the particle hit's position, energy, and arrival time....
Muon tomography consists in using cosmic muons to probe structures in a neither invasive nor destructive way. Following the first muography of a water tower using a muon telescope based on Micro-Pattern Gaseous Detectors and developed at CEA Saclay in 2015, the gaseous detectors and electronics have been developed to be more robust to high variations of temperature, allowing to operate in...
The fast timing MPGD is a micro-pattern gaseous detector conceived for achieving sub-nanosecond time resolution while maintaining the ability to instrument large areas in high-rate environments; applications of such technology are perspected in high-energy physics experiments at future colliders and medical diagnostics with time-of-flight methods. This work is a systematic study carried on a...
A next generation underground water Cherenkov detector Hyper-Kamiokande will have a total mass of 237 kt of pure water. The inner detector has a cylindrical shape of 67 m in diameter and 69 m in height. This volume is viewed by inward-facing 50 cm PMTs. The outer segment is monitored by outward-facing 10000 PMTs, each embedded in a square Wavelength Shifting (WLS) plate of 30 cm side...
The proposed Circular Electron Positron Collider (CEPC) imposes new challenges for the vertex detector in terms of material budget, spatial resolution, readout speed, and power consumption. The TaichuPix chip is a CMOS Pixel Sensor being developed to meet the highest hit rate (~10$^{7}$/cm$^2$/s) requirement of CEPC vertex detector. Two small scale prototypes capable of achieving a hit rate up...
Currently, the Budker INP together with Novosibirsk State University are developing the detector for the future Super Charm-Tau Factory (SCTF) to be built in Russia. SCTF is an electron-positron collider with 3.5 GeV per beam and a luminosity of $10^{35}\,\text{cm}^{-2}\cdot \text{s}^{-1}$ . SCTF will be instrumented with a general-purpose detector (SCTD). The innermost part of the SCTD will...
Developing a tens of picosecond sensor which will survive the radiation environment of the future high physics experiments is a challenge. For position detection, sensors in the HV-CMOS 150 nm process technology have proven to be inherently rad-hard thanks to the full depletion of several hundred microns of the substrate. A first iteration of a timing sensor in this technology, named CACTUS,...
The CMD-3 is general purpose detector at the VEPP-2000 electron-positron collider at Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics. CMD-3 is intended to measure parameters of light vector mesons and their excited states with accuracy better than 1% and study dynamics of multihadron production. In order to increase acceptance for the trigger for charged particles and improve precision of track polar...
The Silicone Tracking System (STS) of the future CBM experiment is a unique detector aiming to cope with charged particle tracks and momentum measurement at unprecedented heavy-ion beam-target interaction rates up to 10 MHz. The detector design combines features low material budget down to 2% of radiation length, radiation hardness up to 10^14 n_eq/cm^2, and single-point resolution of ~30 μm...
The occurrence of discharges, the consequent dead-time, and potential damage to the detector and electronics limit the dynamic range of gaseous detectors. Various resistive anode configurations are used to mitigate these effects. We have been characterizing discharges and the resulting performance of three different resistive Thick-GEM-based WELL configurations. In a bare WELL, the very...
This research work consists in the design, development, and experimental characterization of a γ-ray spectrometer based on large lanthanum bromide scintillator crystals (3” × 3”) coupled with SiPMs. In nuclear physics experiments where photon’s energy ranges from 100 keV to 30 MeV, GAMMA provides state-of-the-art energy resolution (<3% at 662 keV) with a compact, modular and robust...
In order to establish accurate leptonic CP violation at 3 $\sigma$ level for a significant fraction of the possible $\delta_{CP}$ values, the T2K collaboration plan to upgrade the beam intensity and to upgrade the near detector ND280.
An innovative concept for this neutrino detection system made with a totally active Super-Fine-Grained-Detector (SuperFGD), two High Angle Time Projection...
The DECAL sensor, a depleted monolithic active pixel sensor (DMAPS), is being developed as a possible technology for future digital calorimeters. For this application, the pixel size is required to be sufficiently small to avoid hit saturation and the number of pixels above threshold are counted to estimate the shower energy. The DECAL and DECAL Fully Depleted sensors have been designed and...
ALICE has entered Global Commissioning – the final phase of a three-year upgrade period before the April 2022 start of the LHC Run 3. One of the challenges is two orders of magnitude higher data rate than in the LHC Run 2. To cope with it, all ALICE sub-detectors and systems, especially the readout, have been upgraded. While many upgraded ALICE detectors operate in a continuous readout mode...
The current upgrade of CMS Barrel Timing Layer puts forward a demand for a fast screening of materials to test the prospective scintillators, select the best crystal providers, and monitor the quality of the provided crystals in view of their timing properties. We report on a novel contactless method based on the transient optical absorption monitored in sub-picosecond domain in pump and probe...
Applications of both cosmic-ray (CR) muons and neutrons have grown in numbers in the last decades. Measurements of flux attenuation (radiography) and scattering angles (tomography) of CR muons have been successfully applied to the inspection or monitoring of large natural and civil structures, to the search for heavy metals in container and trucks, to the control of nuclear wastes, and much...
FLASH radiotherapy brings severe challenges to dosimetry, beam control, and treatment verification.
FLASH beam monitors able to measure the rate of impinging particles per pulse are crucial to validate and understand the FLASH effect. The simultaneous request of spatial modulation in dose delivery, high-dose average and instantaneous rates typical of FLASH ask for an accurate beam control...
With the progress of semiconductor technology, the spatial resolution of pixel detector in high-energy physics experiments is improving continuously, at the same time, the amount of data generated is also increasing rapidly. In Shanghai HIgh repetition rate XFEL aNd Extreme light facility (SHINE), the data rate of its high frame rate pixel detector is expected to exceed 1.6 Tbps...
In-depth simulations of the signal formation process are key tools for understanding and optimising the performance of modern particle detectors. This talk discusses recent developments in Garfield++, which is an open-source toolkit for the detailed simulation of detectors that are based on ionisation measurement in gases or semiconductors.
Emphasizing recent work, we briefly review the...
NA62 is the last generation kaon experiment at the CERN SPS aiming to measure the branching ratio of the ultra-rare K+→π+νν decay with 10% accuracy. The challenging aspect of NA62 is the suppression of background decay channels with branching ratios up to 10 orders of magnitude higher than the signal and with similar experimental signature: one of the main backgrounds comes from the K+→μ+ν...
Event counting detectors with Microchannels Plates coupled to Timepix readouts are considered here for specific UV, soft X-ray and neutron imaging applications where the detection of individual particles enables imaging with high spatial resolution as well as imaging of dynamic processes. The possibility to detect position and time of arrival for each incoming particle enables time-resolved...
Experiments like the ATLAS detector at the HL-LHC or detectors at future hadron colliders need muon detectors with excellent momentum resolution at the percent level up to the TeV scale both at the trigger and the offline reconstruction level. This requires muon tracking chambers with high spatial resolution even at the highest background fluxes. Drift-tube chambers are the most cost effective...
The HL-LHC will reach an instantaneous luminosity a factor of five to seven times the nominal LHC design value. The resulting, unprecedented requirements create the need for new high-precision instrumentation at CMS for bunch-by-bunch luminosity and beam-induced background measurements based on various radiation-hard detector technologies.
The CMS Tracker Endcap Pixel Detector (TEPX) will be...
The applicability of SiC diodes as well as single-crystal chemical vapour deposition (sCVD) diamond sensors for particle spectroscopy in high-temperature environments was investigated. An unsealed 241Am alpha-source was used in a vacuum setup for the laboratory measurements. The spectroscopic performance and the leakage current of the detectors were measured as function of temperature, from...
The development of a single-photon detector based on a vacuum tube, transmission photocathode, microchannel plate and CMOS pixelated read-out anode is presented. This imager will be capable of detecting up to 1 billion photons per second over an area of 7 cm$^2$, with simultaneous measurement of position and time with resolutions of about 5 microns and few tens of picosecond, respectively. The...
The next generation of collider detectors will make full use of Particle Flow algorithms, requiring high precision tracking and full imaging calorimeters. The latter, thanks to granularity improvements by 2 to 3 orders of magnitude compared to existing devices, have been developed during the past 15 years by the CALICE collaboration and are now reaching maturity. The state-of-the-art status...
Silicon tracker sensors R&D is aiming at the improvement of the position and timing resolution. Instead of scaling down pitch sizes, which comes at a high price for an increased number of channels, our new sensor concept seeks to improve the position resolution by increasing the lateral size of the charge distribution already during the drift in the sensor material. To this end, it is...
Thanks to their unique properties, artificially-grown diamond crystals are suitable as solid-state particle detectors and dosimeters in high-radiation environments. We developed and installed a system based on single-crystal artificial-diamond detectors to monitor the beam losses near the interaction region of the SuperKEKB collider for the the Belle II experiment.
We carried out several...
Considerable experimental and theoretical work has been devoted to solving the Dark Matter (DM) puzzle. However, apart from gravitational evidence, no other measurements confirm DM existence. Weakly Interacting Massive Particles (WIMPs) are perhaps the most broadly accepted hypothesis postulated for DM. If true, the galaxies are immersed in a vast halo of WIMP particles moving at a different...
Novel particle detector structures are proposed regularly, mixing old and new ideas, with resistive detectors widening the landscape of possible configurations. In this talk an accurate and universal way of calculating the signals induced in structures with restive elements using an extended form of the Ramo-Shockley theorem is applied to several detector configurations.
For detector...
Resistive plate chambers (RPCs) with electrodes of high-pressure phenolic laminate (HPL) and small gas gap widths down to 1 mm provide large area tracking at relatively low cost in combination with high rate capability and fast response with excellent time resolution of better than 500 ps. These chambers are perfectly suited for experiments requiring sub-nanosecond time resolution and spatial...
AC-LGADs, also referred to as resistive silicon detectors, are a recent development of low-gain avalanche detectors (LGADs), based on a sensor design where the multiplication layer and n+ contact are continuous, and only the metal layer is patterned. This simplifies sensor fabrication and reduces the dead area on the detector, improving the hit efficiency while retaining the excellent fast...
The High Energy cosmic Radiation Detector (HERD) is one of the prominent space-borne instru- ments to be installed on - board the upcoming Chinese Space Station (CSS) around 2027 and represents a collaborative effort among Chinese and European institutions. Its primary scientific goals include: precise measurements of Cosmic Ray (CR) energy spectra and mass composition up to the highest...
The upgrade of the MALTA DMAPS designed in TowerJazz 180 nm Imaging process will implement the numerous modifications, as well as front-end changes in order to boost the charge collection efficiency after the targeted fluence of 1x10$^{15}$ MeV $n_{eq}$/cm$^{2}$. The effectiveness of these changes have been demonstrated in recent measurements with a small-scale mini-MALTA demonstrator chip....
A new scintillating fibre (SciFi) tracker is being installed and commissioned as part of the current LHCb Upgrade. The high radiation dominated by fast neutrons reduces the over-all light yield of the detector in the course of LHC Run 3, challenging high hit detection efficiency. The foreseen replacement of the inner fibre mat modules during the next long shutdown (2025 - 2027) requires to...
The saturated avalanche discharge regime led to an increase in term of detection rate capability, allowing RPC to be used in experiments on particle accelerators. Future experiments require even more extreme performance from particle detectors, in term of rate capability and time resolution, so that the saturated avalanche discharge is a limiting factor for the RPCs application.
In this...
The Ramo-Shockley theorem defines an efficient and physically very intuitive method for the computation of the electrical signal induced by moving charged particles on the readout electrodes of a particle detector.
This theorem, along with its various generalisations and extensions, applies only to situations that are quasi-electrostatic, i.e. where radiation and wave propagation effects do...
Central focus of the MPMIB project - funded via the Academy of Finland’s RADDESS 2018-2021 programme - has been research towards a next-generation radiation detection system operating in a photon-counting (PC) multispectral mode: The extraction of energy spectrum per detector pixel can be an important asset for diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy, enabling better diagnostic outcome with lower...
Noble liquid calorimetry is a well proven technology that successfully operated in numerous particle physics detectors (D0, H1, NA48, NA62, ATLAS, …). Its excellent energy resolution, linearity, stability, uniformity and radiation hardness as well as good timing properties make it a very good candidate for future hadron and lepton colliders. Recently, a highly granular noble liquid sampling...
The tracking performance of the ATLAS detector relies critically on its 4-layer Pixel Detector. As the closest detector component to the interaction point, this detector is subjected to a significant amount of radiation over its lifetime. By the end of the LHC proton-proton collision RUN2 in 2018, the innermost layer IBL, consisting of planar and 3D pixel sensors, had received an integrated...
Detection of gamma-ray polarization in Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is yet an unexploited feature that could be used as an additional handle to improve signal-to-background ratio in this imaging modality. The gamma polarization is related to the azimuthal angle in the Compton scattering process, so the initial correlation of polarizations translates to the correlation of azimuthal angles...
The FCAL collaboration is preparing large-scale prototypes of special calorimeters to be used in the very forward region at future electron-positron colliders. The very forward region sets challenging requirements on several detector parameters, such as detector compactness, radiation hardness, or readout ASICs parameters. In our concept, two compact calorimeters are foreseen, LumiCal and...
Photon counting computed tomography (PC-CT) is a novel technology with the potential to dramatically change clinical CT. PC-CT provides energy-resolved CT images with a high contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR) because it can discriminate individual incoming X-ray photons. However, the PC-CT image quality limitation due to image reconstruction in a narrow energy band is a problem that needs to be...
X-ray and gamma-ray imaging techniques are crucial in various fields. In the field of nuclear medicine, single-photon emission tomography (SPECT) and positron emission tomography (PET) scans are the two most commonly used techniques; however, both techniques only image a specific energy range of either X-rays or gamma rays. SPECT can only image gamma rays with energies less than 300 keV using...
Silicon photomultiplier coupled with scintillating crystals are more and more used radiation detectors in many applications.
In order to evaluate the best photodetector and performance tradeoff between cell sizes, different SiPMs from various companies (FBK, Hamamatsu, Ketek, ON Semiconductor and Broadcom) are coupled with two L(Y)SO crystals and their coincidence time resolutions (CTR) and...
Performance Monitoring of the Barrel Time-of-Flight Super-Module for the PANDA Experiment at FAIR
S. Chesnevskaya, S. Zimmermann, J. Zmeskal
The PANDA experiment at FAIR in Darmstadt will use proton-antiproton collisions, with momenta ranging from 1.5 GeV/c to 15 GeV/c, on a fixed target to study open questions in hadron physics. The Barrel Time-of-Flight detector for this experiment is a...
Techniques of imaging and SAXS experiments at ultra-fast processes with synchrotron radiation beams are being developed at Siberian Synchrotron and Teraherz Radiation Center (SSTRC) at Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics since the beginning of 2000th. The detector for imaging of explosions, DIMEX, was designed for these purposes. DIMEX is one-dimensional detector that can image the...
The Belle II Time-Of-Propagation detector is a novel particle
identification detector based on the measurement of the propagation
time of Cherenkov photons inside a fused silica bar, rather than their
impact point on a surface like in RICH and DIRC counters. Similar
designs have been proposed for other experiments such LHCb and PANDA,
but at the moment TOP is the only operational detector...
The technique of evaporative CO${}_2$ cooling is a promising solution for the application in high-energy particle detectors, such as the new ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITk) for the planned high-luminosity upgrade of the LHC by 2026.
The advantages of CO${}_2$ are a high latent heat transfer at reasonable flow parameters, the possibility to use small diameter cooling pipes resulting only in small...
The increase in instantaneous luminosity during the high-lumi phase of the LHC will require detectors capable of mitigating the pileup of proton-proton collisions. A promising strategy is to add the measurement of the time of the hits, exploiting the time separation of the various primary interactions. Time resolutions of the order of 10-20 picoseconds, at least an order of magnitude shorter...
The Phase 1 upgrade of the CMS Hadron Calorimeter detector (HCAL) involved installing silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) to measure the scintillator light output with better signal/noise and upgrading the read-out electronics, allowing for increased longitudinal segmentation and better performance. This talk will summarize the design, testing, installation, and commissioning of the HCAL Barrel...
Driven by future upgrades of existing experiments at high-luminosity LHC and for applications at future accelerators, we are developing the Micromegas (MM) technology to increase its rate capability and reach a stable and efficient operation up to particle fluxes of 10 MHz/cm2, three order of magnitudes higher than current applications.
The miniaturization of the readout elements and the...
In Low Energy Physics, where particles only penetrate a few hundreds of nanometers within the active sensor depth, obtaining a position resolved signal with high efficiency at a reasonable cost is extremely difficult. While low-noise silicon sensors with internal amplification are available on the market, these sensors are often produced for High Energy Physics applications. Consequently,...
Ultra-cold neutron are used in many particle physics experiments such as measurment of the neutron EDM, the neutron lifetime or of graviationnal quantum states. These neutrons with energies below 250neV tends to bounce on most material and poses several dectecion challanges.
We present a position-sensitive UCN detector using boron 10 coated CCD sensors reaching an efficiency of 85% in a large...
Recent SiPM developments, together with improved readout electronics, opened new doors in TOF-PET and HEP research with a focus on prompt photon detection with inorganic scintillators. For instance, the relatively high Cherenkov yield of Bismuth-Germanate (BGO) upon 511 keV gamma interaction has triggered a lot of interest, especially for its use in total-body PET scanners due to the...
The NUMEN experiment based on the pre-existing large acceptance MAGNEX spectrometer and integrated with new challenging components aims at measuring double charge exchange cross sections using ion beams of unprecedented intensity (10$^{13}$ pps) on specific isotopes at INFN-LNS. These interactions prove to be a way of getting information on the nuclear matrix elements of the neutrinoless...
Particle identification system based on Focusing Aerogel RICH (FARICH) detector is considered as an option for the future experiments at the Super Charm-Tau Factory (Russia). The progress of FARICH R&D at the the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics is presented. New samples of focusing 4-layer aerogels with maximal refractive index 1.065 were produced in 2020-2021. First beam test results...
This project focuses on the investigation of trap energy levels introduced by radiation damage in epitaxial p-type silicon. Using 6-inch wafers of various boron doping concentrations (1e13, 1e14, 1e15, 1e16, and 1e17 cm-3) with a 50 µm epitaxial layer, multiple iterations of test structures consisting of Schottky and pn-junction diodes of different sizes and flavours are being fabricated at...
Radiation hardness is one of the key properties of silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs) for their application in experiments with harsh radiation environments. After a certain level of irradiation it becomes impossible to resolve signals generated by a single photon from the noise and the main SiPM parameters cannot be determined from a single photo-electron distribution.
The possibility to...
CMOS pixel sensors, originally developed for High Energy Physics experiments, are also used for space radiation research and medical applications, providing high resolution particle trajectories, for e.g., cross section measurements. In the present work, the response of the CMOS pixel sensor MIMOSA-28 was investigated for a variety of ion beams and energies. Several experiments were performed...
The SIDDHARTA-2 experiment at DA$\Phi$NE, aiming to precisely measure the $2p \rightarrow1s$ transition in kaonic deuterium atoms to study the low-energy regime of QCD, utilises two different kinds of novel silicon detectors. For the detection of the K$^-$d X-rays, newly developed arrays of Silicon Drift Detectors are used. The CUBE, a MOSFET based preamplifier, allows for a more stable...
We present the status of the new Triple-GEM muon sub-system of the CMS forward muon spectrometer, GE2/1. The first station, GE1/1 is under commissioning in CMS while GE2/1 detector construction will start beginning of 2022. A GE2/1 chamber is 4 times larger than a GE1/1 chamber, made of 1 m-long GEM foils. Because of the limitations in the current PCB manufacturing, a GE2/1 chamber is actually...
The SABRE (Sodium iodide with Active Background REjection) experiments aim to detect an annual rate modulation from dark matter interactions in ultra-high purity NaI(Tl) crystals. The SABRE South experiment is located at the Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory (SUPL), Australia, and is the first deep underground laboratory in the Southern Hemisphere. SABRE South is designed to disentangle...
Over the last few years, the intense R&D has resulted in the emergence of mature LGAD technology for timing detectors. However, LGAD has limitations. A highly irradiated LGAD is vulnerable to a loss of gain due to the acceptor removal mechanism; this limitation has been mitigated by an increase in high bias voltage. Unfortunately, this approach is not without limitations; fatalities due to...
The Neutron Detectors group at the Physics Institute III B, RWTH Aachen University, develops pixelated detectors for fast neutron imaging applications with compact neutron sources, e.g. Americium-Beryllium (AmBe) or neutron generators. The detectors use specialized scintillators such as stilbene that enable to distinguish neutron and gamma induced signals via Pulse Shape Discrimination,...
For SiPMs, the main effect of radiation damage is a dramatic increase of the dark current. The power dissipated, if not properly cooled, heats the SiPM, whose performance parameters depend on temperature. Therefore, the knowledge of the SiPM temperature is necessary to understand the changes of its parameters with irradiation.
The heating studies were performed with a KETEK SiPM, 15×15 μm$^2$...
The TAIGA (Tunka Advanced Instrument for cosmic ray physics and Gamma Astronomy) facility aims to study the very high energy gamma-rays at energies from a few TeV to several PeV, as well as cosmic rays from 100 TeV to several EeV. Combination of the wide-angle Cherenkov timing detector TAIGA-HiSCORE with the 4-m class Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes (TAIGA-IACT) of FoV of 9,6 degrees...
The “Perugia 2019 Surface” radiation damage model is a Synopsys Sentaurus Technology CAD (TCAD) numerical model which accounts for surface damage effects induced by radiation on silicon particle detectors. In order to get a complete picture of the phenomena taking place in the volume of the irradiated silicon detectors, the non-ionizing effects, referred to as bulk damage, also need to be...
Recent developments in semiconductor pixel detectors allow for a new generation of positron-emission tomography (PET) scanners that, in combination with advanced image reconstruction algorithms, will allow for a few hundred microns spatial resolutions. Such novel scanners will pioneer ultra-high-resolution molecular imaging, a field that is expected to have an enormous impact in several...
The ALICE experiment has undergone a major upgrade for LHC Run 3 and will record 50 times more data than before.
The new computing scheme for Run 3 replaces the traditionally separate online and offline frameworks by a unified one, which is called O².
Processing will happen in two phases.
During data taking, a synchronous processing phase performs data compression, calibration, and quality...
The present ATLAS RPC system is a 3D+time tracking detector providing the first level trigger in the ATLAS barrel. It is constituted by 6 concentric cylindrical layers providing independent space-time measurements along the track, with 1ns x 1cm resolution. This system will undergo a major upgrade for the HL-LHC program, consisting in three additional full coverage layers of new generation...
The CMD3 is a general-purpose detector at VEPP-2000 collider which purpose is to study the exclusive modes of $ e^{+}e^{-} \longrightarrow hadrons$ in the center of mass energy range below 2 GeV. The CMD3 results will provide an important input for the calculation of the hadronic contribution to the muon anomalous magnetic moment: it will help reducing the uncertainty of its SM prediction. An...
The neutron lifetime is an important parameter for particle physics and cosmology. There are two types of measurement methods carried out so far, but their results are disagreement with 4.1$\sigma$. In the beam method carried out at J-PARC, a neutron bunch passes through a gaseous detector Time Projection Chamber (TPC). The TPC counts a beta decay electron and a neutron flux by...
The European Spallation Source (ESS) in Lund, currently under construction, is designed to be the most powerful neutron source in the world. Taking advantage of the unique potential of the ESS, the NNBAR collaboration has proposed an experimental program to search for baryon number violation (BNV) due to neutron (n) – anti-neutron ( ̄n) conversions. The sensitivity increase over the previously...
The SBND (Short Baseline Neutrino Detector) is the near detector of the short baseline neutrino program (SBN) at Fermilab. The SBN consists of three detectors (SBND, MIcroBooNE and Icarus) using liquid argon time projection chambers (LAr-TPC) technology. SBND, is located at 110m from neutrino beam and will record millions of neutrinos charged-current and neutral-current interactions in argon....
FASER, the ForwArd Search ExpeRiment, is a an experiment dedicated to searching for light, extremely weakly-interacting particles at the LHC. Such particles may be produced in the LHC's high-energy collisions and then decay to visible particles in FASER, which is placed 480 m downstream of the ATLAS interaction point. FASER, also includes a sub-detector, FASER$\nu$, designed to detect...
SHADOWS (Search for Hidden and Dark Objects With the SPS) is a proposed new beam-dump experiment, whose purpose is to search for a large variety of feebly-interacting particles possibly produced in the interactions of a 400 GeV proton beam with a dense target. SHADOWS has the potential to discover FIPs if they have a mass between the Kaon and the Beauty mass.
FIPs can emerge from the decays...
The principle of operation of standard Resistive Plate Counters (RPC), is based on the use of bulk resistivity electrodes (generally made of bakelite or float-glass): the avalanche (or streamer) current pulses, discharging a limited area around its location, are quenched by the local voltage drop on the resistive electrode. The detector recovery time is proportional to the volume resistivity...
The Any Light Particle Search II (ALPS II) is a Light-Shining-through-a-Wall experiment under construction at DESY, Hamburg. Its goal is to probe the existence of Axion Like Particles, a possible candidate for dark matter. The proposed region of exploration in parameter space is motivated by hints given by astrophysical anomalies such as stellar evolution. ALPS II might produce axions and...
The Astroparticle Physics Group at the University of Zurich operates a high-purity germanium (HPGe) spectrometer (Gator) in a low-background environment underground at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS) in Italy. The 2.2 kg $\gamma$-ray spectrometer is one of the world’s most sensitive HPGe detectors with an integrated count rate of $(86.2 \pm 0.7)$ events/(day$\cdot$kg) in the...
The MEG II experiment at Paul Scherrer Institut aims at a sensitivity improvement on μ → eγ decay by an order of magnitude with respect to the former MEG experiment while keeping the same detection strategy. This is possible thanks to a higher segmentation of all detectors, which improves the resolutions and helps to cope with twice muon stopping rate, mandatory to collect the required amount...
The IDEA detector concept has been designed to operate at a future large circular e+e- collider, like FCC-ee or CEPC. IDEA has an innovative design with a central tracker enclosed in a superconducting solenoidal magnet. After the magnet there is a preshower system, followed by a dual readout calorimeter. In the iron yoke that closes the magnetic field are then located three stations of muon...
The development of solid state photodetectors likesilicon photomulipliers (SiPMs) has paved the way for a newgeneration of radiation detectors. By utilizing high frequency readout electronics it is possible to access information carried by the first few detected photons. This opens the door for a fully time based detector design ...
One of the cornerstones of the successful physics operation at Belle II is its trigger system that is managing outgoing data rates with the help of its central drift chamber (CDC). While it is performing well in estimating event tracks with vertices that can be traced back to the interaction point, it is not designed to handle events with displaced vertices which are important for future dark...
A large, worldwide community of physicists is working to realise an exceptional physics program of energy-frontier, electron-positron collisions with the International Linear Collider (ILC). The International Large Detector (ILD) is one of the proposed detector concepts at the ILC. The ILD tracking system consists of a Si vertex detector, forward tracking disks and a large volume Time...
The goal of the ASACUSA experiment at CERN's Antiproton Decelerator is to measure the difference of the ground state hyperfine splitting of antihydrogen and hydrogen in order to test whether CPT invariance is broken.
The ASACUSA hodoscope is a detector consisting of two layers of 32 plastic scintillator bars and two layers of scintillating fibres, individually read out by silicon photo...
The Tile Calorimeter (TileCal) is a sampling hadronic calorimeter covering the central region of the ATLAS experiment, with steel as absorber and plastic scintillators as active medium. The High-Luminosity phase of LHC, delivering five times the LHC nominal instantaneous luminosity, is expected to begin in 2028. TileCal will require new electronics to meet the requirements of a 1 MHz trigger,...
Test beam campaigns are an essential part of modern detector R&D to study performance parameters in an environment closest to the final experiment. The DESY II test beam provides EUDET-style pixel telescopes based on MIMOSA-26 sensors for more than 10 years, which provide an unprecedented pointing resolution but no timing information. As the time resolution becomes more and more important,...
The DAMIC-M experiment, successor of the DAMIC at SNOLAB, is devoted to the exploration of the hidden sector and the search for light WIMPs interacting with the electrons or the nucleus of the bulk silicon of fully depleted Charge-Coupled Devices (CCDs). A kilogram-sized target mass will be installed at the Modane underground laboratory which offers an excellent low background environment for...