Academic Training Lecture Regular Programme

REMOTE - Distributed computing - A historical perspective - Email and the Web (2/3)

by Maria Dimou (CERN), Nathaniel Borenstein




NB!! Internet father Vint Cerf will honour us with his presence!

This lecture:
How the protocol wars affected the email, probably the most popular application of the 1980ies. How the Multi-Purpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) introduced more than plaintext in email messages. And, last but not least, the Web  at CERN during the first decade of its life. Please follow the links from and visit dozens of papers of the time period of this lecture.

This series:
After the ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) began in 1969, leading to the TCP/IP protocol development in the USA, a period of intense network competition began between continents and companies. It lasted for more than a decade and affected many protocols and applications. A number of EU-funded projects were born and have kept re-incarnating until today. How was email done in the early 1990’s? When could we send photos by email for the first time? What was the first decade of the World Wide Web like? How did HEP move from mainframes to distributed computing? Which manufacturers have since dominated the landscape in the process towards today’s computing cloud? In this series, we shall try to answer such questions, with contributions by some of the makers and leaders of this technology.

Speakers' bio:

Maria Dimou studied physics at the University of Athens. After five years of work with IBM, she joined the EU-funded research project on network technologies EUREKA COSINE, as member of the RARE (Réseaux Associés pour la Recherche Européenne) organisation, while studying computing at the University of Brussels (ULB). At CERN she was responsible for the email gateway configuration and contributed to the definition of X.500 directory protocols, network topology and web support. She participated in the Worldwide LHC Computing Grid (WLCG) project for 13 years. She chairs the CERN Academic Training Committee and leads the CERN-Solid collaboration..

Nathaniel Borenstein is on the faculty of the University of Michigan and Chief Scientist at Mimecast. He has been an Internet researcher, activist, standards maker, and entrepreneur since 1980, and is best known as co-creator of the MIME standard, for which he is often oversimplistically called "the father of the email attachment."  He has founded 4 companies, was an IBM Distinguished Engineer in charge of Research and Standards for the Lotus division, and authored three books and 21 patents.  He remains guardedly optimistic that the Internet will do more good than harm.

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Maria Arsuaga Rios / 74 Participants on Zoom and 19 on Webcast

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