6–8 Mar 2011
Carnegie Mellon University
US/Eastern timezone

Fourth Bulletin

Dear SCET 2011 Participants

This is the final bulletin for SCET 2011. http://indico.cern.ch/event/SCET2011


Final Timetable is now posted on the webpage.


A map is available for walking directions on the webpage, also displaying areas where restaurants are located.


There will be continental breakfast served every morning 8:30 am at the workshop venue. Workshop starts at 9 am every morning.


Speakers please note the following format for the talks. We urge that you stick to the timeline:


30 minutes = 20 minutes for talk + 10 for discussion

40 minutes = 25 minutes for talk + 15 for discussion

50 minutes = 30 minutes for talk + 20 for discussion


Once again please check the exact time and date of your talk, it may have changed.


We look forward to seeing you in Pittsburgh



SCET 2011 Team



Emergency Contact: Ambar - 617-642-9849