Partikeldagarna 2021

from Monday 22 November 2021 (09:30) to Tuesday 23 November 2021 (19:00)
Chalmers Conference Centre (Palmstedt)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
22 Nov 2021
23 Nov 2021
09:30 --- Welcome coffee ---
Introduction - Riccardo Catena (until 10:00) (Palmstedt)
Monday morning session - Sten Hellman (until 12:30) (Palmstedt)
10:00 Overview of the Lund ALICE group's activities - Peter Christiansen (Lund University (SE))   (Palmstedt)
10:15 Event-structure dependence of light-flavour-hadron production in pp collisions with ALICE - Oliver Matonoha   (Palmstedt)
10:30 Report from Stockholm university ATLAS group - Xuanhong Lou (Stockholm University (SE))   (Palmstedt)
10:45 Search for Dark Matter in events with missing transverse momentum and a Higgs boson decaying into b-quarks with the ATLAS detector - Eleni Skorda (Lund University (SE))   (Palmstedt)
11:00 Status and Prospects of Light Dark Matter eXperiment - Ruth Pottgen (Lund University (SE))   (Palmstedt)
11:15 Light Dark Matter eXperiment Rejection of Photon Induced Background at 8 GeV - Erik Wallin (Lund University (SE))   (Palmstedt)
11:30 simulation and testing of the Light Dark Matter eXperiment prototype trigger and hadronic calorimeter - Peter Gyorgy (Lund University (SE))   (Palmstedt)
11:45 Progress towards a program of searches for neutron conversions at the European Spallation Source with the HIBEAM/NNBAR experiment - Bernhard Meirose (Stockholms Universitet)   (Palmstedt)
12:00 Updates on the HIBEAM/NNBAR Prototype Calorimeter at Stockholm - Katherine Dunne (Stockholm University (SE))   (Palmstedt)
12:15 Progress on the design of an annihilation detector for the HIBEAM/NNBAR program at the European Spallation Source - Sze Chun Yiu   (Palmstedt)
Tuesday morning session 1 - Christian Ohm (until 10:35) (Palmstedt)
09:00 Report from VR - Mathias Hamberg   (Palmstedt)
09:20 Report from CERN - Kerstin Jon-And   (Palmstedt)
09:35 Report from (R)ECFA - David Anthony Milstead   (Palmstedt)
09:50 Report from IPPOG - Jonas Strandberg (KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SE)) Jonas Strandberg   (Palmstedt)
10:05 Report from IUPAP - Johan Rathsman   (Palmstedt)
10:20 Report from ACCU - Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez (Uppsala University (SE)) Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez   (Palmstedt)
10:35 --- Coffee break ---
Tuesday morning session 2 - David Marsh (until 12:30) (Palmstedt)
11:00 Report from the Lund University ESSnuSB Group - Alexander Burgman (Lund University)   (Palmstedt)
11:15 HIPPO — HIggs Pairs and POtential - Arnaud Ferrari (Uppsala University (SE))   (Palmstedt)
11:30 Status of the Light Dark Matter KAW project - Einar Alfred Elen   (Palmstedt)
11:45 The SHIFT project - Sara Strandberg (Stockholm University (SE))   (Palmstedt)
12:00 The Plasma Axion Haloscope and the ALPHA Collaboration - Katherine Dunne (Stockholm University (SE))   (Palmstedt)
12:15 Report from the ATLAS groups on the ATLAS HL-LHC hardware work - Jonas Steentoft   (Palmstedt)
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Monday afternoon session 1 - Gabriele Ferretti (until 15:30) (Palmstedt)
14:00 Dark matter beyond the WIMP paradigm - Felix Kahlhoefer   (Palmstedt)
14:45 First results from the Muon g-2 experiment - Anna Driutti   (Palmstedt)
15:30 --- Coffee break ---
Monday afternoon session 2 - Rikkert Frederix (until 18:00) (Palmstedt)
16:00 The six-pion amplitude - Tomáš Husek (Lund University (SE))   (Palmstedt)
16:15 NNLO Positivity Bounds on Chiral Perturbation Theory for a General Number of Flavours - Mattias Sjö   (Palmstedt)
16:30 Towards the precise description of Composite Higgs models at colliders - Diogo Buarque Franzosi (Chalmers University of Technology)   (Palmstedt)
16:45 Simplifying calculations with chirality-flow - Malin Sjödahl   (Palmstedt)
17:00 Heavy quark momentum diffusion coefficient during the hydrodynamization in heavy-ion collisions - Jarkko Peuron   (Palmstedt)
17:15 The colour matrix at next-to-leading-colour accuracy - Timea Vitos (Lund University)   (Palmstedt)
17:30 A reappraisal of top-partner hunting - Dr Avik Banerjee   (Palmstedt)
17:45 Svenska fysikersamfundets årsmöte 2022 i Lund - Peter Christiansen (Lund University (SE))   (Palmstedt)
19:30 --- Conference dinner ---
12:30 --- Lunch ---
Tuesday afternoon session 1 - Caterina Doglioni (until 14:40) (Palmstedt)
14:00 GENIE - Pernilla Wittung Stafshede   (Palmstedt)
14:15 NORNDIP - Barbro Åsman   (Palmstedt)
14:30 High-school project with open data - Hans Jakobsson   (Palmstedt)
Tuesday afternoon session 2 - Caterina Doglioni (until 15:00) (Palmstedt)
15:00 --- Coffee break ---
Tuesday afternoon session 3 - Riccardo Catena (until 18:00) (Palmstedt)
15:30 TeV halos and inhibited diffusion around pulsars - Pedro Jose De La Torre Luque   (Palmstedt)
15:45 No sharp spectral features in the local cosmic-ray positron flux - Isabelle John (Stockholm University)   (Palmstedt)
16:00 Constraining dark matter annihilation with cosmic-ray antiprotons using neural networks - Michael Korsmeier (Stockholm University and OKC)   (Palmstedt)
16:15 Searching for axion-like particles through the photon disappearance channel - David Marsh   (Palmstedt)
16:30 Dark matter electron interactions in graphene detectors - Einar Urdshals   (Palmstedt)
16:45 Can inelastic dark matter save DAMA? - Sunniva Jacobsen   (Palmstedt)
17:00 Probing the neutrino sky with IceCube: latest results - Ankur Sharma   (Palmstedt)
17:15 IceCube-Gen2: The Window to the Extreme Universe - Christian Glaser   (Palmstedt)
17:30 A model-independent analysis of neutrino flares detected in IceCube from X-ray selected blazars - Ankur Sharma   (Palmstedt)
17:45 Constraining the neutrino flux from cosmic population of Gamma-ray Bursts - Kunal Deoskar   (Palmstedt)