Kate Jones
(University of Tennessee)
The development of fission fragment and proton-rich beams1 at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (HRIBF)2, along with the availability of batch mode beams of 7,10Be and 26Al, has led to unique research of nuclear structure close to the shell closures, and reactions of relevance to nuclear astrophysics. Additionally, recent access to intense low-energy beams directly from the RIB platform at the LERIBS3 beam line has already led to high statistics decay spectroscopy in the region close to 78Ni.
I will present the recently published4 results of a neutron transfer experiment on a reaccelerated beam of 132Sn. The purity of the states populated in 133Sn reflects the doubly-magic nature of 132Sn. Comparisons will be drawn with the benchmark doubly-magic nucleus 208Pb.
Other recent results from the HRIBF will be highlighted.
Kate Jones
(University of Tennessee)