Thorsten Kroell
(TU Darmstadt)
08/12/2010, 09:10
In the last few years the investigation of one- and two-neutron
transfer reactions has become a new versatile tool to study
the structure of exotic nuclei at REX-SOLDE.
So far, we have investigated the (d,p) and (t,p) reaction in inverse
kinematics on several nuclei with masses up to A = 80.
The powerful combination of the MINIBALL spectrometer and the T-REX Si detector array enables the...
Riccardo Orlandi
(IEM - CSIC Madrid, Spain)
08/12/2010, 09:40
Neutron-rich nuclei with magic numbers of neutrons and protons are reference points to map and understand the reorganization of the shell structure away from the line of beta stability. Experiment IS491 aimed at the study of single-particle properties of 79Zn, which lies only 2 protons above and 1 neutron below the Z=28 and N=50 shell closures of 78Ni. The sizes of these shell gaps, from which...
Kate Jones
(University of Tennessee)
08/12/2010, 10:00
The development of fission fragment and proton-rich beams1 at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility (HRIBF)2, along with the availability of batch mode beams of 7,10Be and 26Al, has led to unique research of nuclear structure close to the shell closures, and reactions of relevance to nuclear astrophysics. Additionally, recent access to intense low-energy beams directly from the RIB...
Christophe Sotty
(CSNSM Centre de Spectrometrie Nucle aire et de Spectrometrie de)
08/12/2010, 10:30
We report on the first study of properties of excited states of odd-mass neutron-rich rubidium isotopes by the Coulomb excitation technique, using the Miniball array coupled to the REX-ISOLDE facility. This allowed the expected change in shape from a spherical to a deformed one at N=60 to be observed for excited states in these nuclei. These results aid the understanding of the...