Heloise Goutte
09/12/2010, 10:20
In this talk I will present some recent experimental and theoretical results obtained at GANIL. Then I will detail the SPIRAL2 project, and the theoretical developments that have been undertaken recently to describe nuclear structure properties of exotic nuclei and nuclear reactions.
Susanne Kreim
(Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Heidelberg)
09/12/2010, 10:50
Precision mass measurements are performed at the mass spectrometer ISOLTRAP with a relative mass uncertainty routinely reaching 1*10^-8. The time-of-flight detection technique is employed to determine the frequency of an ion stored in a Penning trap, from which the mass can be extracted. One topic, which has been studied at ISOLTRAP recently, involves the neutrino mass determination....
M. Breitenfeldt
(K.U.Leuven, Instituut voor Kern- en Stralingsfysica, Celestijnenlaan 200D, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium)
09/12/2010, 11:10
The WITCH set-up (Weak Interaction Trap for Charged Particles) that was installed at ISOLDE/CERN combines a double Penning trap system to store radioactive ions and a retardation spectrometer to probe the energy of the daughter recoil ions [1]. The primary aim is to search for scalar and/or tensor interactions in nuclear beta decay by precisely determining the beta-neutrino angular correlation...
Karl-Ludwig Kratz
(Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie, Otto-Hahn Institut), Prof.
William Walters
(University of Maryland)
09/12/2010, 11:30
2010 marks the 25th anniversary of the first measurement of the half-life of 130Cd at ISOLDE (1985) and the 15th anniversary of the first measurement of the decay of neutron-rich Ag isotopes (1995) ionized via Resonance Ionization Laser Ion Source (RILIS). Since that time, the nuclear decay properties of neutron-rich nuclei lying in and near the proposed path of the astrophysical r-process...