Thomas Wichert
(Technische Physik, Universität des Saarlandes, D-66041 Saarbrücken, Germany)
09/12/2010, 16:50
Radiotracer experiments, in general, have turned out as a powerful tool for the study of diffusion phenomena in solids [1]. In this contribution, diffusion experiments have been performed using the unique abundance of radiotracers delivered by ISOLDE. In this way, it has been possible to show that in CdTe the group I elements 67Cu, 111Ag, 193Au, and 24Na exhibit the phenomenon of uphill...
Karl Johnston
09/12/2010, 17:10
119Sn Mössbauer spectroscopy utilizing implantation of 119In (T½=2.4 min) has been performed at ISOLDE for the first time in over two decades. Development(s) in data aqusition and analysis techniques allow us to obtain more information from these experiments than was possible in the past.
New findings in group IV semiconductors and oxides (ZnO, MgO and Al2O3) will be presented and discussed.
Patrick Kessler
(Helmholz-Institut für Strahlen- und Kernphysik der Universität Bonn)
09/12/2010, 17:30
The sign of the electric field gradient can be measured with the β-γ-perturbed angular correlation. This can help in the understanding and improvement of current models and simulations of crystal structures. In this work the wide bandgap semiconductors AlN,GaN and ZnO are investigated..
The results from the last two collections at ISOLDE are presented. 115Cd and 111Ag were implanted in 3µm...
Joseph Cullen
(School of Physical Sciences, Dublin City University, Glasnevin, Dublin 9, Ireland)
09/12/2010, 17:50
The results of photoluminescence (PL) studies on ZnO implanted with radioactive As → Ge and Ga → Ge isotopes are described. In both cases, identical PL effects are observed, indicating that identical daughter Ge defects are created. We conclude, on the basis of the well-established result that Ga occupies Zn sites, that implanted As also occupies Zn sites in ZnO. This finding corroborates...
Alexander Gottberg
(University of Copenhagen)
09/12/2010, 18:10
Beta-NMR is a technique which has been successfully applied at ISOLDE in solid state and nuclear physics for several decades [Arn87, Cho03, Kee08]. Due to physical-technical boundaries this technique has never been applied to soft matter investigation, although it holds great promise for numerous applications.
Beta-NMR is based on the implantation of a radioactive ion beam carrying a...