Alessia Di Pietro
(INFN Catania)
10/12/2010, 09:00
Elastic scattering and reaction mechanisms around the barrier, in reaction induced by halo nuclei, has been the object of many publications in the last years (see e.g. [1-3] and ref. therein). In collisions induced by halo nuclei, direct reactions, as for instance transfer or break-up, may be favored owing to the low binding energy, the extended tail of the matter distribution and the large...
Karsten Riisager
10/12/2010, 09:30
Results presented for the IS430, the T-REX and the Miniball collaborations.
The aim of IS430 is to test our understanding of the halo nucleus 11Be and its structural relation to the neighbouring nuclei 10Be and 12Be through one-neutron transfer reactions. A first run in 2005 employing only charged particle detectors gave encouraging results, but showed that gamma-ray detection is needed to...
Andreas Krieger
(University of Mainz),
Christopher Geppert
(University of Mainz)
10/12/2010, 09:50
Charge radii measurements of the lightest elements are benchmark tests for nuclear structure calculations. In this part of the nuclear chart, ab-initio models that treat the nuclei as consisting of individual nucleons which interact via nucleon-nucleon and three-nucleon forces are available. Moreover, the appearance of the so-called halo nuclei, having an extended nuclear matter distribution...
Heiko Scheit
10/12/2010, 10:10
The current status of the Radioactive Ion Beam Factory at the RIKEN Nishina Center will be presented. The facility is based on a new heavy-ion accelerator complex which can deliver very intense beams of nearly all elements, including Uranium, to the new two-stage in-flight fragment separator BigRIPS, to produce high-energy radioactive ion beams, which can be used at several experimental...
Nobuaki Imai
(Institute of Particle and Nuclear Studies, KEK)
10/12/2010, 10:40
We report on an experimental study which investigated a shell structure in the neutron-rich N=20 region. A lot of experimental works have been made to pin down the nuclear structure around 32Mg, and the results are consistently interpreted that the magic number N=20 disappears in this region. In the framework of shell model, such a shell evolution may be attributed to the variation of the...