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Oct 25 – 29, 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

Running an AV media post-processing system on FOSS

Oct 28, 2021, 11:45 AM
Online workshop

Online workshop

End-User IT Services & Operating Systems Basic IT Services


Miguel Angel Valero Navarro (Valencia Polytechnic University (ES)) Ruben Domingo Gaspar Aparicio (CERN) Rene Fernandez Sanchez (CERN)


The Weblecture service is in charge of capturing, processing & delivery CERN productions: e-learning, Computing Seminars, Conferences, Outreach events, CERN related communication e.g. DG, HR, Staff association, etc.. Tightly linked to Webcast and Videoconference services from which most AV content is provided. The services delivers AV content on different formats so our community can watch them in different platforms e.g. mobile or a desktop device.

The talk presents the past status running on a legacy stack and the work done to provide same and expanded functionality: new capture agents like Epiphan with improved capabilities, better and faster transcoding which is also provided as a service to other units, unified video player for both conference and web-lectures, keeping backward compatibility, new CERN SSO, etc.
The new architecture has been built around an in-house development and integrations of two FOSS projects Paella player [1] and Opencast [2].


Speaker release Yes

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