May 9 – 13, 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

The workshop will be held on 9-13th May 2022

Please note that the event is foreseen to be held in a hybrid form, with a large in-person attendance. We don't anticipate any issue with that, buf of course in case of national (COVID) emergency we may have to move it back to online-only form.

You will have to arrange for your own accommodation, either in the CERN Hostel (, subject to room availability) or in nearby hotels.

Please make sure to be registered to CERN egroup, to be informed of any unforeseen circumstance.


This is the fifth annual workshop of the LPCC inter-experimental machine learning working group at CERN. It will take place at CERN with remote participation made possible.

The structure is the following :

  • Monday 9th May: Tutorials (starting at 13:00 GVA)
  • Tuesday 10th May : Plenary (all day long)
  • Wednesday 11th May-Friday 13th May:  workshop sessions (all day long)

The bulk of the workshop is built from contributed talks. For the contributed talks, the following  Tracks have been defined:

  1. ML for object identification and reconstruction 
  2. ML for analysis : event classification, statistical analysis and inference,   including anomaly detection
  3. ML for simulation and surrogate model : Application of Machine Learning to simulation or other cases where it is deemed to replace an existing complex model
  4. Fast ML : Application of Machine Learning to DAQ/Trigger/Real Time Analysis
  5. ML infrastructure : Hardware and software for Machine Learning
  6. ML training, courses, tutorial, open datasets and challenges
  7. ML for astroparticle
  8. ML for phenomenology and theory
  9. ML for particle accelerators
  10. Other

This workshop is organized by the CERN IML coordinators. To keep up to date with ML at LHC, please register to CERN egroup.

Registration for this event is currently open.
There is an open survey.