The following information provides a general introduction to the Zoom sessions for the 11th HL-LHC Collaboration Meeting, as well as some recommendations and practicalities for participants, speakers, hosts and conveners.
Zoom rooms for plenary and parallel sessions will be set up by the Collaboration Meeting Organisers. Each Zoom link will be available in Indico one hour before the start of the session and the auto-join URL and password will only be visible to registered participants.
To ensure a smooth experience during these sessions, please download the latest version of the Zoom client for your operating system. It can be obtained here.
There will be no recording of sessions, but note that Zoom hosts can take snapshots of their virtual room while discussions are in progress.
Participants are kindly asked to remain muted at all times.
They are requested to send their questions via the Zoom chat. The convener will give them the floor at the end of each presentation.
As all sessions will be held via Zoom, it is recommended that participants turn on their video camera or, in the case of disabled video, add their photo to their Zoom background to create a warmer atmosphere for the sessions.
Speakers are requested to test their audio and video setup well in advance to minimize the number of issues that may arise during the meeting. For this purpose, they should join the Zoom session 10 minutes before the meeting starts. Alternatively, speakers can test their set up on Monday, 18 October using the Test Room available on Indico. The HL-LHC Secretariat will be connected from 8.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. and from 1.30 to 5.30 p.m. (CEST).
CERN speakers should be aware that their audio setup will not work properly if they join a Zoom session via CERN Remote Access, typically when teleworking.
They are also asked to allow 5 minutes in their presentation to answer any questions at the end of their talk. The virtual coffee break can be used as a buffer in case the session is running late or if there are additional questions.
They are requested to upload their presentation(s) in Indico the day before at the latest so that we have time to solve any technical difficulties that may arise. For instructions on uploading presentations in Indico, please click here.
Finally, we invite all speakers to take a last look at the timetable on Indico (detailed view mode) to check the timing of their talk(s).
The Zoom host will be responsible for:
ensuring that all presentations are available prior to the start of the session
launching the session 10 minutes before the start and sharing the opening slide provided by the Collaboration Meeting Organisers
sharing presentations on behalf of speakers who cannot do so for technical reasons. If a file is missing, please contact the speaker concerned and copy and asap. The HL-LHC Secretariat will upload the missing file to Indico.
assigning co-host permissions if needed
muting/unmuting participants, taking notes of "raised hands"
taking notes of the questions in the Zoom chat and forwarding them to the convener
For these reasons, it is essential that Zoom hosts launch their session from the Zoom app after signing in, and not joining the session via Indico with the auto-join URL, otherwise they will be considered by Zoom as regular participants without "Zoom host powers".
The convener will introduce each speaker and manage the timing, ensuring that sufficient time is reserved for Q&A at the end of each presentation or at the end of the session, as desired.
They will be assisted by a Zoom host, who will send them the questions asked via the Zoom chat.
The convener will give the floor to the participants to ask their questions.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the HL-LHC Secretariat +41 75411 4162.