Opening day
Submission deadline
Contributions for talks and poster presentations are invited. Abstracts of a maximum of 500 words should be submitted no later than 7 May 2022.
For each abstract, a summary of maximum two pages must be attached to provide details of your contribution. The attachment can include important plots and/or figures. There is no pre-defined layout for this summary file, however it should be in PDF format and uploaded to the indico page (in box “Attachments”) while submitting the abstract.
You will be asked to login to the indico system with your CERN account. If you don’t have a CERN account, please register for a lightweight account
by using the link below. Once you are done, you can proceed with the abstract submission.
Register for a lightweight CERN account:
at https://account.cern.ch/account/Externals/
The following restrictions apply for the abstract submission:
Information for submitting your abstract.
- Enter your abstract title;
- Enter text of your abstract in content box;
- Select contribution type - poster or talk;
- Enter name(s) of author(s);
- Enter comments (optional);
- In attachments, upload two-page summary file in pdf format;
- Select relevant topics in tracks, multiple entries are allowed;
- Review entries and submit.
Abstract that will not be awarded a talk will be considered for posters.