12–16 Sept 2022
University of Edinburgh
Europe/London timezone
RICH2022 in Edinburgh is dedicated to the memory of Jacques Séguinot (1932-2020)

The R&D of the MCP based PMTs for High Energy Physics Detectors

15 Sept 2022, 17:15
University of Edinburgh

University of Edinburgh

presentation Photon detection techniques for Cherenkov imaging counters Photon detection techniques for Cherenkov counters


S. Qian


Researchers at IHEP have conceived two types of MCP-PMTs for the photon detection in particle physics. One is the 20 inch Large MCP-PMT (LPMT) with small MCP units in the large area PMTs for the neutrino detection. This LPMT has already been mass produced more 15K pieces in the JUNO experiment, and has also been evaluated by the PMT group in LHAASO and HyperK. The other is the 2 inch Fast MCP-PMT (FPMT) with the fast timing resolution for particle identification in the collider detector. The FPMT prototypes have been produced with 50 ps time resolution, and also the 8X8 readout anode for the position resolution. This talk will introduce the two types of MCP-PMT and their performance tested in the lab.


Presentation materials