12–16 Sept 2022
University of Edinburgh
Europe/London timezone
RICH2022 in Edinburgh is dedicated to the memory of Jacques Séguinot (1932-2020)

The CTA Large-Sized Telescope project, status and prospects

13 Sept 2022, 09:00
University of Edinburgh

University of Edinburgh

presentation Cherenkov light imaging in neutrino and astroparticle physics experiments Cherenkov detectors in astroparticle physics


M. Heller (Universite de Geneve (CH))


The Large-Sized Telescopes (LST) are being deploying four imaging atmospheric Cherenkov telescopes in the Northern site of the future Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA). The first prototype, LST-1, has been inaugurated at La Palma (Spain) in 2018 and is being commissioned since then while the three others will be built during three coming years. Thanks to their large dish of 23 m diameter, they can collect on the ground the light from the faintest extensive
atmospheric showers and achieve observation of gamma rays
with energies down to 20 GeV.
The status of the project will be presented with emphasis put on the key results from the commissioning phase, mostly focusing on the optics and Cherenkov camera performance. The first science results obtained with LST-1, such as observations of standard sources like the Crab Nebula and Crab pulsar, RS Ophiuchi and BL Lac will be shown demonstrating the high performance level reached in monoscopic operations. Eventually, the status of the production of the LST-2 to 4 will be given.


M. Heller (Universite de Geneve (CH))


Presentation materials