CERN QTI Community Workshop

Friday 10 December 2021 - 09:00

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
10 Dec 2021
09:05 Welcome and General Overview - Alberto Di Meglio (CERN)   (Zoom)
09:15 R&D: Quantum Computing and Algorithms - Sofia Vallecorsa (CERN)   (Zoom)
09:25 R&D: Quantum Theory and Simulation - Dorota Maria Grabowska (CERN)   (Zoom)
09:35 R&D: Quantum Sensing, Metrology and Materials - Michael Doser (CERN)   (Zoom)
09:45 R&D: Quantum Communication and Networks - Alberto Di Meglio (CERN)   (Zoom)
09:55 CERN QTI & Knowledge Transfer - Amanda Diez Fernandez (CERN) Benjamin Frisch (CERN)   (Zoom)
10:05 CERN QTI Education & Training - Maurizio Pierini (CERN) Anastasiia Lazuka (CERN)   (Zoom)
10:20 --- Break ---
Project and collaboration proposals - Alberto Di Meglio (CERN) Michele Grossi (CERN) Dr Sofia Vallecorsa (CERN) (until 11:45) (Zoom)
10:45 An INFN-CERN collaboration towards the usage of IBM quantum resources - Concezio Bozzi (INFN Ferrara)   (Zoom)
10:50 Development of quantum machine learning algorithms to study Higgs boson decays with the LHCb detector - Donatella Lucchesi   (Zoom)
10:55 theory-informed classification of proton-proton collisions with quantum machine learning tools - Pietro Govoni (Universita & INFN, Milano-Bicocca (IT))   (Zoom)
11:00 Co-designing near-term quantum architecture for HEP applications - Koji Terashi (University of Tokyo (JP))   (Zoom)
11:05 Application of the quantum machine learning on the particle identification at the BESIII experiment - Dr Teng LI (Shandong University, CN)   (Zoom)
11:10 Particle ID with timing using quantum algorithms - Kristiane Novotny (gluoNNet) Daniel Dobos (Lancaster University (GB)) Karolos Potamianos (University of Oxford (GB))   (Zoom)
11:15 Quantum walks in high energy physics - Sarah Malik (Imperial College (GB))   (Zoom)
11:20 Noise Gates - Mr Giovanni Di Bartolomeo (University of Trieste ) Mr Michele Vischi (University of Trieste)   (Zoom)
11:25 Simulating a quantum battery on an quantum computer - Dr Michele Grossi (CERN)   (Zoom)
11:30 Quantum Algorithms for Manifold Learning - Akshat Kumar   (Zoom)
11:35 Introduction to Quantum Computing for High School Students - Maria Alandes Pradillo (CERN)   (Zoom)
11:45 Q/A and Conclusions   (Zoom)