The SM@LHC workshop deals with the latest developments as well as future prospects in Standard Model phenomenology at the LHC. The emphasis lies in bringing together experimentalists and theorists to stimulate discussions on the most interesting and topical aspects across the various fields. The main topics include Electroweak, Higgs, QCD, Top, Flavour Physics and EFT.
Given the present COVID-19 situation with most restrictions lifted, the meeting is planned in hybrid-mode (in person and on-line attendance).
Young Scientist Presentation award:
- Johannes Michel on "The Drell-Yan 𝑞𝑇 Spectrum and Its Uncertainty at N3LL′"
- Bianca Sofia Pinolini on "Observation of VBS production in opposite-sign WW events at CMS"
Wi-Fi at CERN: network connection
Slide upload: If the upload button does not show up directly on the timetable view, go to the contribution itself (either click on “view contribution details” button on the top right when you click on your talk, or via If you still experience issues with uploading slides, please send them to us and we can take care of the upload for you.
Previous editions: Online (SM@LHC 2021), Zurich (SM@LHC 2019), Berlin (SM@LHC 2018), Amsterdam (SM@LHC 2017), Pittsburgh (SM@LHC 2016), Florence (SM@LHC 2015), Madrid (SM@LHC 2014), Freiburg (SM@LHC 2013), Copenhagen (SM@LHC 2012), Durham (SM@LHC 2011) and London (SM@LHC 2009).
International Organizing Committee: Juan Alcaraz Maestre, Jeppe Andersen, Mario Campanelli, Tancredi Carli, Vitaliano Ciulli, Ayres Freitas, Stefan Höche, Eric Laenen, Katharina Müller, Aleandro Nisati