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24–28 Oct 2022
University of Santiago de Compostela
Europe/Madrid timezone

Extending the Hoyle-state paradigm to $^{12}$C + $^{12}$C fusion

27 Oct 2022, 15:35
Classroom 6, Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación (University of Santiago de Compostela)

Classroom 6, Facultad de Ciencias de la Comunicación

University of Santiago de Compostela

Campus Norte, Av. de Castelao, s/n, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Oral Contribution P9 Few-Body Systems P9 Few-Body Systems


David Gareth Jenkins (University of York (GB))


Carbon burning is a key step in the evolution of massive stars, Type 1a supernovae and superbursts in x-ray binary systems. Determining the $^{12}$C+$^{12}$C fusion cross section at relevant energies by extrapolation of direct measurements is challenging due to resonances at and below the Coulomb barrier. A study of the $^{24}$Mg($\alpha$,$\alpha$')$^{24}$Mg reaction has identified several 0$^{+}$ states in $^{24}$Mg, close to the $^{12}$C+$^{12}$C threshold, which predominantly decay by $^{20}$Ne(g.s)+$\alpha$. These states were not observed in $^{20}$Ne($\alpha$,$\alpha_0$)$^{20}$Ne resonance scattering suggesting that they may have a dominant $^{12}$C+$^{12}$C cluster structure. Given the very low angular momentum associated with sub-barrier fusion, these states may play a decisive role in $^{12}$C+$^{12}$C fusion in analogy to the Hoyle state in helium burning [1]. We present estimates of updated $^{12}$C+$^{12}$C fusion reaction rates based on these newly observed potential resonances.

[1] P. Adsley. M. Heine, D.G. Jenkins et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. (in press)

Primary author

David Gareth Jenkins (University of York (GB))

Presentation materials