23–28 Oct 2022
Villa Romanazzi Carducci, Bari, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Lattice QCD on supercomputers with Chinese CPU

25 Oct 2022, 12:30
Sala Europa (Villa Romanazzi Carducci)

Sala Europa

Villa Romanazzi Carducci

Plenary Plenary




Lattice QCD is ab initio approach for QCD and plays an indispensable role in understanding the low energy properties of the strong interaction. Last four decades have witnessed the rapid development of the lattice QCD numerical calculation along with the progress of the high performance computing (HPC) techniques. Lattice QCD becomes one of the most resource-consuming HPC fields. China has built several native supercomputers with different hardware architectures,
such as Sunway series, Tianhe series and Sunrising-1 etc., which provide potentially massive HPC resources for lattice QCD studies.
This talk will give a brief introduction to the code developing and the performance of lattice QCD software on these strikingly different computing systems.

Presentation materials