Oct 23 – 28, 2022
Villa Romanazzi Carducci, Bari, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Info for presenters


Because of ACAT's nature as a workshop, where discussions are even more important than presentations, ACAT 2022 will have only in-person poster presentations.

Given our past positive experience with virtual poster sessions this was not an easy decision. But we firmly believe that the relevance of a poster extends beyond its session, and the virtual poster sessions did not allow this.

At this ACAT we will ask you to not print your poster: no more cardboard rolls to bring! Instead, we will provide you with a table marked with your poster's title and a QR code that gives access to your poster's file. This file can be PDF or any other single page accessible format, i.e. explicitly excluding a set of slides or a movie.

The audience will look at your poster file on their phones; you can discuss your poster interactively on a laptop that you bring. We found this to be an ecological alternative that will open up new possibilities for presenting your work! Please keep in mind that long lines of text will not work well on phones; instead, consider structuring your poster into smaller sections.



You will be presenting for 15 minutes, followed by a 5 minute discussion. Parallel sessions take place in the Bari afternoons, from Monday to Thursday. If you have scheduling constraints please contact us now and we will try to accommodate them.

While we will allow remote oral presentations, ACAT is a workshop and both your presentation and the audience will benefit significantly from you participating and presenting in person: a remote presentation will likely not have the same impact as an in-person one. We strongly recommend you to come to beautiful Bari, enjoy the lively atmosphere of ACAT, and profit from engaging in discussions also outside your presentation!

Please register <https://indico.cern.ch/event/1106990/registrations>