23–28 Oct 2022
Villa Romanazzi Carducci, Bari, Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Financial Support

ACAT 2022 has a modest budget for handling Financial Assistance for special cases. We intend to review the applications and help encourage a diverse and inclusive participation in our field including (but not restricted to) young scientists, women in science, Ukrainian scientists and minority representation. If you need financial help, please submit an application consisting of a "free form" one page PDF at acat2022-fs@cern.ch  - Your application must include the following information: 

  • Introduce yourself, your affiliation, your research, your advisor (if applicable)
  • Explain the (special) reasons why you request financial assistance and why it is important for us to support you
  • Be clear on whether you have an abstract submitted (if so, provide the abstract number and title)
  • Indicate the nature of your request that is, if you request a conference fee waiver, lodging support (or both).

Thank you - financial requests will be closed on August 24th, 2022.
