Physics Opportunities at 100-500 MHz Haloscopes
In the last decade an increasing interest in axion and axion-like particles as a possible explanation to the nature of the dark matter in our galaxy led to the proposal of several experiments aiming at their detection. Among these, KLASH [1], now evolved into FLASH, and babyIAXO-RADES [2] are two haloscopes proposed to operate in the frequency region between 100 and 500 MHz, corresponding to the mass region between 0.5 and 2 micro-eV. While being away from the preferred region for QCD-axions (10<ma<100 micro-eV), the search is still motivated by pre-inflationary models, models with modified cosmological-evolution or in extended-axion models. The workshop is intended to review the theoretical motivations and the experimental prospects to probe this mass region by experiments such as ADMX, Abracadabra, DMRadio and Casper as well as FLASH and babyIAXO-RADES. Furthermore, results from axion experiments have been recently used to set limits on high frequency gravitational waves (HFGW)[3-4-5] and new ideas have been proposed to use haloscope-like detectors for their detection[6-7]. Having detectors of meter size and strong magnetic fields, FLASH and babyIAXO-RADES could be particularly suitable for HFGW detection. This possibility will be further investigated during the workshop.
1.The KLASH Conceptual Design Report
3.A. Ejilli et al. Eur. Phys. J. C. (2019) 79:1032.
4.A. Ito et al. Eur. Phys. J. C. (2020) 80:179.
5.N. Aggrawal et al. arXiv:2011.12414.
6.N. Herman et al. Phys. Rev. D 104, 023524 (2021).
7. A. Berlin et al arXiv:2112.11465
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