5th Seminar of HITRIplus - Marburg Ion Beam Therapy Center: Innovations in Physics and Radiobiology
Global general scientific seminars linked to the HITRIplus project activities organised in the context of WP2 Networking, Communication, Dissemination.
To apply for beamtime, please follow the instructions on this page: https://hitriplus.eu/transnational-access/
About K. Zink:
Klemens Zink is the Scientific and Technical Director at MIT since august 2019. He is a physicist, receiving his PhD in solid-state physics at the Technical University Berlin in 1990. For about 30 years he is working in the field of medical physics in different radiotherapy departments, since 2001 he holds a professorship in medical physics at the University of Applied Sciences Giessen/Germany. He is the author of more than 75 peer-review publications in the field of medical physics.
About U. Schötz:
Ulrike Schötz is head of the workgroup Molecular Radiobiology at the Radiotherapy department of Philipps-University Marburg since 2017. She received her PhD at the Technical University Munich in 2009 and works in the fields of radiobiology since then. The main focus of her work is on inherent and acquired radioresistance in head and neck tumours, where she investigates mechanisms and novel therapeutic concepts.
About K.-S. Baumann:
Kilian-Simon Baumann is a Postdoc at the Radiotherapy department of Philipps-University Marburg and a Medical Physicist at the Marburg Ion-Beam Therapy Center. He received his PhD in 2020 and is working in the field of particle therapy of lung cancer patients and Monte-Carlo based dosimetry in clinical proton and carbon-ion beams. His research focus is the investigation of lung modulation effects in particle therapy and track structure simulations of clinical particle beams both on microscopic and macroscopic scales.