Fysikdagarna 2022

from Wednesday 15 June 2022 (09:00) to Friday 17 June 2022 (15:00)

        : Sessions
    /     : Talks
        : Breaks
15 Jun 2022
16 Jun 2022
17 Jun 2022
Sektionen för elementarpartikel och astropartikelfysik (until 12:00) ()
09:00 Particle days: Welcome and Introduction   ()
09:15 ATLAS experiment: Overview of activities at KTH - Christian Ohm (KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SE))   ()
09:30 Search for a supersymmetric long-lived particle at the ATLAS experiment - Karl Filip Backman (Stockholm University (SE))   ()
09:45 Search for Higgs-like scalar particles in the $bb \gamma \gamma$ final state with the ATLAS experiment. - Stefio Yosse Andrean (Stockholm University (SE))   ()
10:00 --- Break ---
10:30 Effective Field Theory interpretations of Higgs boson pair production searches in ATLAS - Christina Dimitriadi (University of Bonn (DE))   ()
10:45 Status and Prospects of Light Dark Matter eXperiment - Ruth Pottgen (Lund University (SE))   ()
11:00 The SMARTHEP International Training Network - Caterina Doglioni (University of Manchester (GB))   ()
11:15 Differentiable Programming for High-Energy Physics - Mr Nathan Daniel Simpson (Lund University (SE))   ()
11:30 IPPOG/outreach - Sara Strandberg (Stockholm University (SE)) Jonas Strandberg (KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SE))   ()
11:45 High-School/outreach - Kristian Strid (St Petri)   ()
08:30 Welcome, AF Norgen, Stora salen (5)   ()
08:35 LINXS intro (10) - Elizabeth Blackburn (Lund University)   ()
08:45 MAX IV (30+10) - Stephen Molloy   ()
09:25 ESS (30+10) - Andreas Schreyer   ()
10:05 --- Fika ---
10:30 LINXS: Bio-medical imaging using synchrotron radiation (20+10) - Martin Bech   ()
11:00 LINXS: X-ray spectroscopy in the service of catalysis for renewable chemicals and fuels (20+10) - Sara Blomberg   ()
11:30 Antihydrogen and the ALPHA and GBAR experiments (20+10) - Svante Jonsell   ()
Parallel session (until 12:00) ()
Sektionen för elementarpartikel och astropartikelfysik (until 11:50) ()
09:00 The ESSnuSB Experiment - Conceptual Design and Physics Potential - Prof. Tord Ekelöf (Uppsala University)   ()
09:15 Latest Results from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory - Chad Finley (Stockholm University / OKC)   ()
09:30 Probing X-ray bright blazars as sources of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos with IceCube - Ankur Sharma   ()
09:45 Detection horizon of neutrinos from core-collapse supernovae using high energy neutrinos - Nora Valtonen-Mattila   ()
10:00 --- Break ---
10:30 New opportunities with IceCube-Gen2 - Erin O'Sullivan   ()
10:45 Pulsars do not produce sharp spectral features in the cosmic-ray positron flux - Isabelle John (Stockholm University)   ()
11:00 HIBEAM at the ESS - status and plans - Bernnhard Meirose (Stockholms Universitet + Lunds Universitet)   ()
11:15 ALICE activities in Lund - Alice Ohlson (Lund University (SE))   ()
Undervisningssektionen (Gymnasie) (until 12:00) ()
09:00 Föreläsning "Magneter och människor – MR i forskning och medicin" (Fysicum K404) - Karin Markenroth Bloch   ()
09:01 Workshop "Investigative Science Learning Environment and student learning of energy" med fika (Fysicum H421), fully booked - Gorazd Planinsic Eugenia Etkina   ()
10:00 --- Fika ---
10:20 Föreläsning "Joniserande strålning i medicinens tjänst för diagnostik och terapi" (Fysicum K404) - Michael Ljungberg   ()
Plenary session (until 12:00) ()
11:30 Oseenmedaljen 2022: Modellera väteabsorption i en legering - Magnus Rahm   ()
Parallel session (until 17:00) ()
Sektionen för kärnfysik - Joakim Cederkall (Lund University (SE)) (until 17:00) ()
12:30 Isospin-symmetry breaking in nuclei and applications - Nadezda Smirnova (Laboratoire de Physique des Deux Infinis Bordeaux (LP2IB))   ()
13:00 Recent results from the R3B experiment - Dr Andrea Jedele (Technical university Darmstadt)   ()
13:30 Bayesian inference and predictions in the few-nucleon sector - Isak Svensson   ()
13:50 Posterior predictive distributions of nucleon-deuteron scattering observables - Sean Miller (Chalmers University of Technology)   ()
14:10 Mirror Symmetry and Proton Emission in the Upper fp Shell - Yuliia Hrabar   ()
14:30 Stories from inside a magnet: solenoidal spectrometers - Anna Kawecka (Chalmers University of Technology (SE))   ()
14:50 --- Coffee ---
15:15 The potential of multi-strange physics with PANDA at FAIR - Michael Papenbrock   ()
15:40 Femto-science: Electromagnetic transition form factors of the nucleon - Di An   ()
16:00 The Structure of Something Strange - Viktor Thorén   ()
16:20 Exploring the HADES Feb22 pp Run - Jana Rieger (Uppsala University (UU))   ()
16:40 Physics Opportunities from the $pp \rightarrow KK \Lambda \Lambda$ Reaction Channel at HADES - Malin Bohman   ()
Undervisningssektionen (Gymnasie) - Susanne Tegler (until 20:00) ()
12:30 Registrering och kaffe   ()
13:00 Introduktion ESS   ()
13:15 Föreläsning "Experiment med neutroner vid ESS"   ()
14:00 Föreläsning "Strålkällan vid ESS"   ()
14:45 Säkerhetsinformation inför rundtur   ()
15:00 Fika   ()
15:15 Ta på skyddskläder (grupp 2)   ()
15:30 Workshop (grupp 1) Rundtur på ESS (grupp 2)   ()
16:30 Ta på alternativt ta av skyddskläder   ()
16:45 Rundtur på ESS (grupp 1) Workshop (grupp 2)   ()
17:45 Ta av skyddskläder och avslutning på ESS   ()
18:30 Gymnasielärarträff med buffé på Fysicum   ()
Sektionen för Gravitation - Håkan Andreasson (until 17:00) ()
13:00 Roger Penroses insatser för relativitetsteori - Ingemar Bengtsson   ()
14:00 Roterande rumtider i allmän relativitetsteori - Michael Bradley   ()
15:00 --- Fika ---
15:30 Gravitational collapse and cosmic censorship for the Einstein-Vlasov system - Håkan Andreasson   ()
16:15 Some aspects of black hole stability - Thomas Bäckdahl   ()
Sektionen för atom-, molekyl- och optisk fysik (until 17:10) ()
13:00 Welcome and short introduction to AMO physics in Lund and Sweden - Jan Marcus Dahlström   ()
13:15 Cooling dynamics of nitrogen-containing PAH cations (PANHs) - Suvasthika Indrajith   ()
13:40 Quantum computing in rare-earth-ion-doped crystals - Adam Kinos (Lund University)   ()
14:05 Ultrafast nanophotonics: from all-optical control of exciton dynamics towards plasmon-tailored nano-chemistry - Dr Nicolò Maccaferri (Umeå University)   ()
14:30 Atomic astrophysics for Galactic evolution - Madeleine Burheim   ()
14:40 Understanding Dynamic Calculations of Anharmonic Infrared Spectra - Åke Andersson   ()
14:50 On the interplay of fluorescence, dissipation, and molecular dissociation for a model diatomic molecule in a quantum optical cavity - Megha Gopalakrishna   ()
15:00 --- Coffee break ---
15:30 Shooting X-rays at the nitrogen molecule like it's 2022 - Ludvig Kjellsson (MAX IV Laboratory)   ()
15:55 Exploring crystallisation in ”no man’s land’ - Marjorie Ladd Parada (Stockholms Universitet)   ()
16:20 Relativistic laser-electron acceleration from nanotargets - Aitor De Andres Gonzalez   ()
16:30 A Levitating Droplet as a Toy Atom - Javier Tello Marmolejo   ()
16:40 fs-recombination in Fe-based solar cells limits the performance - Linnea Lindh (Chemical Physics/Theoretical Chemistry Lund University)   ()
16:50 Multiconfigurational effects in an iron-nitrosyl (FeNO) complex. - Michael Coates (Stockholms universitet)   ()
17:00 A Green's function method for the two-dimensional frustrated spin-1/2 Heisenberg magnetic lattice - Zhen Zhao   ()
Sektionen för elementarpartikel och astropartikelfysik - Rikkert Frederix (Lund University) David Silvermyr (Lund University (SE)) (until 17:05) ()
13:00 Phase Transition and Gravitational Wave of Strongly Coupled Dark Sectors - Dr Zhi Wei Wang (Lund University)   ()
13:15 The electroweak phase transition and Effective Field Theory - Rikard Enberg   ()
13:30 New methods for studying the Electroweak phase transition - Andreas Ekstedt   ()
13:45 Fingerprints of freeze-in dark matter in an early matter-dominated era - Dr Avik Banerjee (Chalmers University of Technology)   ()
14:00 Phase transitions: A source of cosmic-frontier phenomenology - Eliel Camargo-Molina (Uppsala University)   ()
14:15 CDF II W-mass anomaly faces first-order electroweak phase transition - Roman Pasechnik (Lund university)   ()
14:30 A fermionic portal to a non-abelian dark sector - Luca Panizzi (Uppsala University)   ()
14:45 Speeding up SM Amplitude Calculations with Chirality Flow - Andrew Lifson   ()
15:00 --- Break ---
15:30 Status of the Light Dark Matter KAW project - Timon Emken   ()
15:45 The SHIFT project: status and prospects - Elin Bergeaas Kuutmann (Uppsala University (SE))   ()
16:00 Searching for Vector Dark Matter at Beam Dump Experiments - Taylor Gray   ()
16:15 General Dark Matter Electron Interactions in Detector Materials - Einar Urdshals   ()
16:30 RECFA/CERN - Arnaud Ferrari (Uppsala University (SE)) David Anthony Milstead (Stockholm University (SE))   ()
16:45 IUPAP - Roman Pasechnik (Lund university) Roman Pasechnik (Lund university)   ()
17:00 News from ACCU (slides only, no presentation) - Rebeca Gonzalez Suarez (Uppsala University (SE))   ()
Undervisningssektionen (Physics Education Research) - Urban Eriksson (Lund University) (until 14:15) ()
13:15 Teaching with open research data: experiences from five years of exploration-driven lab exercises in subatomic physics for undergraduate students - Christian Ohm (KTH Royal Institute of Technology (SE))   ()
13:45 Linking Programming to Representations - Kim Svensson (Lund University)   ()
Plenary session (until 19:00) ()
12:00 --- Lunch (included) ---
12:45 Welcome to Lund (Mayor of the City of Lund) - Mats Helmfrid   ()
12:50 FAIR and strong interaction matter in the universe (35+10) - Achim Schwenk (TU Darmstadt)   ()
13:35 Investigative Science Learning Environment (ISLE): When learning physics mirrors doing physics (45+10) - Eugenia Etkina   ()
14:30 --- Fika ---
14:50 CERN, LHC and the Higgs (35+10) - Sara Strandberg (Stockholm University (SE))   ()
15:35 Challenges for women's careers in physics (45+10) - Yosef Nir Meytal Eran Jona   ()
18:30 --- Conference dinner (included). AF Borgen Stora salen. After dinner: Troels Petersen: The modelling of Covid-19 ---
Parallel session (until 15:00) ()