Conference Venue

The conference will be held in the Knight Hall and Bauer Hall. The address is: 1 Snow Way Dr, St. Louis, MO 63130. See here for public transportation and driving directions.

If you are coming by MetroLink, the closest stop to the Knight Hall (0.3 mile or 6 min walk) is the University City-Big Bend Station on the Blue line. See here for the metro map. 

All plenary talks will be held in the Emerson Auditorium on the first floor of Knight Hall. The parallel talks will be in Bauer Hall classrooms: Guller (BH 130), Zimring (BH 150), Ling (BH 160), and McGinnis (BH 210). All are on first floor, except BH 210 which is on second floor. See here for the floor plan.