SwiftHep workshop #3
In-person/hybrid meeting hosted by IPPP in Durham
If you plan to attend in person, please register *before* 18 February
Location: IPPP Durham, Department of Physics, Durham University, Map
Rooms: OC218 (in IPPP), PH8 (Department of Physics, No 13 on map), W007 & W414 (Department of Geography, No 2 on map)
Accommodation. We have a block booking in a couple of local hotels. Registrations received *before* the deadline will be given the allocated rooms. After the deadline, you'll have to book your own accommodation.
Dinner 1930 Hatfield College, 23 March
Alastair Dewhurst
Alessandra Forti
Alex Cerri
Andy Buckley
Benjamin Michael Wynne
Benjamin Morgan
Chris Brew
Christian Gutschow
Conor Fitzpatrick
Daniela Bauer
Darren Moore
David Britton
David Colling
David Crooks
Davide Costanzo
Fernando Abudinén
Graeme A Stewart
Gurpreet Singh Chahal
Ian Collier
Ilektra Christidi
James Walder
Jonathan Butterworth
Jonathan Hays
Katy Ellis
Lucas Borgna
Luke Kreczko
Marek Schoenherr
Mario Grandi
Mark Hodgkinson
Peter Clarke
Robert Andrew Currie
Roger Jones
Timothy Noble
Tom Dack