Applications in Particle Physics
- Pietro Vischia (Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))
Applications in Particle Physics
- Pietro Vischia (Universite Catholique de Louvain (UCL) (BE))
Applications in Particle Physics
- Alexey Boldyrev (NRU Higher School of Economics (Moscow, Russia))
CERN maintains a dense and diverse physics programme with numerous experiments requiring a broad spectrum of beam types to be produced and provided by the accelerator chain. This combined with the requests for higher beam intensities and smaller emittances at an overall better beam quality makes accelerator operation more and more challenging. The way forward is to exploit automation...
Characterizing the phase space distribution of particle beams in accelerators is often a central part of accelerator operation and optimization. However, with the introduction of more exotic target distributions that are ideal for current accelerator applications conventional diagnostic techniques, which assume simplified beam distributions, start to become inaccurate. By contrast, methods...
High energy physics experiments essentially rely on the simulation data used for physics analyses. However, running detailed simulation models requires a tremendous amount of computation resources. New approaches to speed up detector simulation are therefore needed.
t has been shown that deep learning techniques especially Generative Adversarial Networks may be used to reproduce detector...
LHCb ECAL optimization is a good use case for the generic problem of comprehensive optimization of the complex physics detector. Pipeline-based approach for LHCb ECAL optimization is established and used to scan parameter space for desired subspace which met needs of the LHCb experiment. Parameters for the calorimeter optimization include technology, granularity, Moliere Radius, timing...
One of the key difficulties in making HEP differentiable is the highly stochastic and discrete nature of both simulation and reconstruction. While not directly differentiable, gradients of expectation values of stochastic simulator output can be estimated using probabilistic programming and score functions. In this talk I will demonstrate score function based optimization of material maps on...
Several new experiments that looks for millicharged particle has been proposed recently, Milliqan is an international collaboration that is now installed and under upgrade at point 5 @ CMS at CERN for a second run. SUBMET is a new proposal that is expected to be installed at JPARC. The common denominator of the two proposals is the simplicity of the construction. Muons are the main background...
Automatic Differentiation (AD) techniques allows to determine the
Taylor expansion of any deterministic function. The generalization of
these techniques to stochastic problems is not trivial. In this work we explore two approaches to extend the ideas of AD to Monte Carlo processes, one based on reweighting (importance sampling) and another one based on the ideas from the lattice field theory...
The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is undergoing an extensive Phase II upgrade program to prepare for the challenging conditions of the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC). As part of this program, a novel endcap calorimeter that uses almost 6M Silicon and Scintillator sensors is foreseen. These sensors will sample the electromagnetic and hadronic...
The distribution of material in sampling electromagnetic calorimeters has a direct impact on the energy resolution that they can achieve. R&D calorimetry efforts that are inspired for future collider detector concepts aim for the best energy performance given constraints, e.g. mechanical and cost. We address the energy resolution optimization in the case of a Silicon-Tungsten Electromagnetic...