Kubernetes GitOps Workshop
31/3-004 - IT Amphitheatre (CERN)
Recording: https://videos.cern.ch/record/2295812
GitOps is a set of practices to manage infrastructure and application configurations using Git. It relies on Git as a single source of truth for declarative infrastructure and applications, and a set of reconcilers to apply changes.
Workshop goals:
- Assess the usage of GitOps in the Kubernetes/OpenShift community at CERN
- Share experiences on usage of the multiple GitOps tools, including ArgoCD, Flux (v1 and v2), GitLab CI or even custom deployment scripts around tools like Helm
- Consider consolidation of these efforts moving forward
If you are a user of such systems, please consider submitting an abstract with a title and a small description the tools and workflows you rely on to automate your deployments.
In addition to presentations there will be plenty of time for general discussion.