WG1 Daya Bay’s First Experimental Hall Coming On Line

Not scheduled


Mr Zhimin Wang (Institute of high energy physics, Beijing)


The Daya Bay reactor neutrino experiment is designed to measure the last unknown neutrino mixing angle \theta_{13} with a sensitivity of sin^{2}2\theta_{13}<0.01 through a measurement of the relative rates and energy spectra of reactor antineutrinos at different baselines. Eight identical liquid scintillator antineutrino detectors (ADs) will be installed in three experimental halls. The first experimental hall, Daya Bay near site, will come on line in this summer, which is ~360m away from Daya Bay reactors and has 98m rock overburden, where two ADs will be installed in a water pool with at least 2.5m water shielding. 840 antineutrino events per AD per day are detected with 20-ton target mass. The water pool is divided into inner and outer parts and equipped with PMTs to serve as Cherenkov detector. Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs) covers the water pool to provide additional Muon tagging. We will describe the design, construction, commissioning and preliminary performance of the Daya Bay detectors.

Primary author

Mr Zhimin Wang (Institute of high energy physics, Beijing)

Presentation materials