Nov 14 – 15, 2011
Europe/Zurich timezone
A two day crab cavity workshop (LHC-CC11) will be held at CERN, Geneva.  

The main goals of this workshop are to discuss:

1. Technology status in view of the latest developments on compact cavities
2. Revised beam parameters and upgrade studies with crab crossing
3. LHC and SPS beam studies and future crab cavity tests

Morning: 60-6-015 & Afternoon: 30-7-018
* The workshop is by invitation only. If you would like to participate in the workshop, please write to the organizers. Please note that the 1st joint HiLumi LHC and LARP Meeting will take place at CERN during the same week (Nov 16-18, 2011). For administrative matters, please contact : - Delphine Rivoiron