Benjamin Ziemer
(UC Irvine)
WG2 – Session 25 MINOS, MINOS+, NoVA and Future Prospects
The Main Injector Experiment ν-A (MINERνA) Experiment located at Fermi National Laboratory will measure neutrino cross sections, nuclear effects from a broad range of nuclear targets and a variety of other neutrino interactions. Neutrino elastic scattering will be one of the first focuses of the MINERνA collaboration; these measurements will be an important input to current and future neutrino oscillation experiments. Results of the charged current quasi-elastic channel exposure in anti-neutrino NuMI running are presented. Future elastic scattering results, both charged current and neutral current, in anti-neutrino and neutrino exposures are also discussed.
Primary author
Benjamin Ziemer
(UC Irvine)