Axial and Vector Structure Functions for Lepton-Nucleon Scattering

Not scheduled


Dr Un-Ki Yang (University of Manchester)


We present an updated model for inelastic neutrino- and electron-nucleon  scattering cross sections using effective leading order parton distribution functions with a new scaling variable xi_w.  Updated model on the axial-vector structure functions as well as vector structure fucntions will be presented. Our model describes all inelastic charged lepton-nucleon scattering (including resonance) data (HERA/NMC/BCDMS/SLAC/JLab) ranging from very high Q^2  to very low Q^2 and down to the  photo-production region. The model describes existing  inelastic  neutrino-nucleon scattering measurements, and has been developed to be  used in analysis of  neutrino oscillation experiments  in the few GeV region. (additional details  arXiv:1011.6592 [hep-ph])

Primary author

Dr Un-Ki Yang (University of Manchester)


Prof. Arie Bodek (University of Rochester)

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