WG1 talk: NonStandard Interactions at LEP or the LHC?

Not scheduled


Sacha Davidson (Institut de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon (IPNL)-Universite Claude)


The New Physics which induces dimension eight Non-Standard neutrino Interactions should arise at a mass scale below a few TeV. We explore potential collider signals of such New Physics. We show that if dangerous dimension six operators vanish due to a cancellation, then double-derivative dimension eight charged lepton operators arise, and collider bounds impose $\varepsilon \lsim .1 \to 10^{-3}$. Secondly, the $ v^2 \, \overline{\nu_\a} \nu_b$ legs of an NSI operator can be related via the Equivalence Theorem to $W^+W^- e_\a^+ e_\b^-$, so we study the sensitivity of $pp \to W^+W^- e_\a^+ e_\b^-$ at the LHC in a $Z'$ model that could induce NSI.

Primary author

Sacha Davidson (Institut de Physique Nucleaire de Lyon (IPNL)-Universite Claude)

Presentation materials