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WG1&WG2 Joint Session

5 Aug 2011, 15:40


Joint session on Neutrino Oscillation Physics & Neutrino Cross-Sections and Detectors

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Robert Svoboda (UC Davis)
05/08/2011, 16:00
Flavio Cavanna (Dipartimento di Fisica)
05/08/2011, 16:20
Ryan Bayes (University of Glasgow)
05/08/2011, 16:40
Mathew Muether (Fermilab)
05/08/2011, 17:00
takaaki mori
05/08/2011, 17:20
Dorota Stefan (Henryk Niewodniczanski Inst. Nucl. Physics, PAN-Unknown-Unknown)
05/08/2011, 17:40
Building timetable...