18–19 Aug 2022
University of Iceland
Atlantic/Reykjavik timezone

Lessons from the geometric structure of black holes

18 Aug 2022, 16:15
Veröld: VHV-023 (University of Iceland)

Veröld: VHV-023

University of Iceland


Victoria L. Martin (University of Iceland)


Black holes are an extremely fruitful playground for theoretical physicists, allowing one to address complex questions about the nature of reality, such as the information paradox, quantum entanglement, and even the use of black holes as a proxy for a quantum field theory in flat space. Here we discuss what we can learn solely from the mathematical structure of certain black holes in a negatively curved spacetime. We will see that we can determine the quasinormal modes of these spacetimes, thereby translating the classic question Can you hear the shape of a drum?’’ toCan you hear the shape of spacetime’’? We will discuss applications to warped black hole geometries as well as Kerr black holes (those black holes observed by the Event Horizon Telescope).

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