3–6 May 2011
Europe/Zurich timezone
EuroNNAc - European Network for Novel Accelerators - Looking at the Next Generation of Novel Electron Accelerators



A limited number of single rooms (with bathroom) have been pre-reserved at the CERN hostel under the reference “EuroNNAc'11.”. Price : 58.-chf/night. Tel. +41 22 767 44 81.

Deadline for booking : 4th April'11 (no rooms will be guaranteed after this date)

Bookings MUST be made and paid through the registration form.
The EuroNNAc'11 organization committee will take care of your booking. 
The number of available rooms are indicated in the form. Should the number of available rooms show "0", please contact the hostel directly in order to be put on a waiting list or contact another hotel in the region.  In order to obtain a CERN negociated price, please mention your participation to an event at CERN.

In case you need to cancel your reservation at the CERN hostel; please contact the hostel directly and inform  "EuCARD-EuroNNAc@cern.ch".

Rules for the CERN hostel:
The Hotel Reception (Building 39) is open as follows:
Mondays to Fridays from 7.30 to 01.00. Saturdays and Sundays from 9.00 to 01.00.
Outside these times, room keys can be obtained from the security guard on duty at the entrance to CERN's Meyrin site (Swiss side) - Gate B.

All modifications or cancellations must be made at least 48 hours in advance. 

Check-out time on departure date is 12.00 noon.