21–24 Jun 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

Influence of radiation damage on the absorption of near-infrared light in silicon

22 Jun 2022, 16:20
6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin (CERN)

6/2-024 - BE Auditorium Meyrin


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Annika Vauth (Universität Hamburg)


To study the charge collection efficiency of radiation-damaged silicon
sensors, frequently red and near-infrared light is used to generate
electron-hole pairs . In order to determine the absolute number of
produced charge carriers, the light absorption coefficient, $\alpha$,
has to be known.

To study the change of $\alpha$ due to radiation-induced defects, we
have measured the transmission of light with wavelengths between
1-2\,$\mu$m through silicon samples irradiated to
1$~$MeV-neutron-equivalent fluences between 0 and $1 \times 10^{17}~$cm$^{-2}$.

In this contribution, the results of these measurements will be
presented: the contribution of the irradiation to $\alpha$ was found to
scale with fluence for the entire fluence range investigated. In the
wavelength region around 1.8\,$\mu$m, evidence for the production of the
radiation-induced divacancy defect $V_{2i}^0$ with a density
approximately proportional to the fluence was found. For the band-gap
energy, no fluence dependence was found within the experimental


Annika Vauth (Universität Hamburg) Eckhart Fretwurst (Hamburg University (DE)) Joern Schwandt (Hamburg University (DE)) Robert Klanner (Hamburg University (DE)) Stephan Martens (Universität Hamburg)

Presentation materials