Jul 4 – 8, 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

Cancer is a major health problem for our society. Heavy-ion beams irradiate tumours by focussing on cancerous tissue whilst sparing healthy tissue around it hence making the treatment more effective than any other irradiation treatment.

Because of this the European Union, through its H2020 research and innovation programme, is funding the Heavy Ion Therapy Research Integration (HITRIplus) project which includes the objectives of education and training in heavy-ion therapy.

We are pleased to announce the Specialised Course on Heavy Ion Therapy Research which focuses on Heavy Ion Therapy Physics, Medical Physics and Engineering. The course will be delivered by over 20 world leaders in the field. The lectures will be on state-of-the-art in the fields of accelerators, magnet technology, biophysics, clinical aspects, radiobiology, treatment planning, simulation, dosimetry, moving targets and arc delivery, imaging, gantry design and beam dynamics, business development and entrepreneurship aspects and certification. 

The free online zoom course will take place between the 4th to the 8th of July 2022. 

The course is targeted primarily toward master's, PhD and Postdoc researchers who show strong promise and interest in becoming part of the heavy-ion research community and who can then exploit and access Europe's heavy ion therapy research infrastructures.

The live programme is only open for students who have been accepted for the course and the faculty members however, please  note that all of the lecture recordings will be placed on YouTube shortly after each lecture and can be viewed here: HITRIplus YouTube Channel.
