AAI and Tokens
- Maarten Litmaath (CERN)
- Thomas Dack
Potential topics to be discussed, in no particular order:
- status of the IAM services
- VO readiness & plans for using IAM
- status of DIRAC, Check-in, HTCondor
- EGI site readiness
- data management plans (maybe better in DOMA session)
- resource trust evolution (CAs, cloud, ...)
Maarten Litmaath
08/11/2022, 14:00
All these stakeholders should provide at least 1 slide on where they are with tokens, what hurdles they see and what plans are envisaged for next year:
- experiments;
- IAM devs;
- IAM team at CERN;
- HTCondor;
- EGI Check-in;
- ARC;
- Ops Coordination.
Data management aspects will be discussed in a DOMA session on Monday.