WLCG Workshop 2022

Lancaster University, UK

Lancaster University, UK

Private Dining Room, County South Building

WLCG Workshop 2022 live notes document here.

The WLCG Workshop 2022 is hosted at Lancaster University, from the 7th to 9th of November. Aimed as an in-person event, the workshop will focus on how we foresee the evolution of WLCG infrastructure towards HL-LHC.

The workshop is co-located with the 5th Rucio Community Workshop  (Nov 10-11), and you can register here for this event too.

A WLCG Collaboration Board meeting is also scheduled, on the afternoon of Tuesday 8th November.

The schedule will be refined shortly. Session blocks have been already defined and displayed. There will be a social dinner and a reception.

Overall WLCG meeting cost expected to be £250/head plus b&b accommodation (reductions for some students); £150 for Rucio • Buffet lunch, teas, coffees, banquet dinner and reception included


WLCG and Rucio Workshop – late briefing


We look forward to welcoming you in Lancaster in the coming days. The travel disruptions are showing some signs of easing, but we have been trying to arrange airport taxis for those that want them, particularly on the days likely to have most disruption.



Registration for the meeting itself will be in the meeting room on Monday, the Private Dining Room (PDR). Once the main meeting starts, we will continue registration in the lobby area to the PDR.


Eating and Drinking

For those looking to eat and drink on campus on Sunday and thereafter, you can find details of the outlets, cafes and restaurants at


There are a range of options, obviously mainly slanted to students, so not fine dining (though the on-site Chinese is quite good, and most of he outlets offering pizzas etc also have less calorific options). Pizzetta Republic is good for pizzas, fast food but also salad, cakes – and a good selection of coffee and tea. The Sultan Experience mixes fast food options with some quite interesting curries etc – it is my regular for lunch.


There are also many on-site bars, though be warned they tend to close at 10:30.


General information and maps

I have put together a (far from exhaustive) map of food and drink in Lancaster University and the town, which you may want to consider for Sunday evening as well as Wednesday. It is likely to food we provide with the Tuesday reception is enough for that evening (it will be hearty, not fancy!). Immediate suggestions for eating in town would be the Waterwitch or White Cross canal-side pubs (good food and drink), or just across the canal there is the Toll House Inn. For the restaurants, wait for my later email. There are also suggestions of small plates restaurants, a fairly authentic pizzeria, an interesting Indian restaurant in an old Methodist Chapel (though honouring both traditions, it is alcohol-free!), a fair inexpensive French-style restaurant……. Ask the local team if you want more recommendations.

The map also shows the main rail and bis station, convenient bus stops – and the venue for for the Rucio dinner in Lancaster and the WLCG dinner (in Morecambe).



Emergency Numbers

Should you have any emergency issues on campus, Security have given us two numbers to call:

+44 7976 174673


+44 (0)1524 592899


Local Taxi Numbers

01524 848848       01524 32090



Eduroam Wi-Fi

Enables students and staff to get a secure internet connection across Lancaster campus and at other participating institutions.

LU Visitor Wi-Fi

LU Visitor Wi-Fi enables visitors who cannot use eduroam to get internet access. 

LU-Visitor is a public Wi-Fi network and so not a secure network. It is designed for temporary access; you will need to sign back in every 24 hours. It is not for long-term use by staff and students as they can use the secure eduroam Wi-Fi.

To connect to Visitor Wi-Fi, look for LU-Visitor in your list of Wi-Fi networks and follow the Visitor Wi-Fi registration instructions on your device.

You will need to:

Tick the box to agree to the terms and conditions

Register to use LU Visitor Wi-Fi with either a: Google account, Facebook account or using email verification (providing a personal email address).

Note: If you choose email verification: 

An email will be sent to the personal email address you gave. Open the email on the same device, and click on the link to verify the connection. You will be given 10 minutes internet connection to allow you to complete the registration.

Once verified you will have 24 hours access to Visitor Wi-Fi.



We look forward to a successful meeting

Roger Jones for the Lancaster Team

    • HPC, cloud, and opportunistic resources

      Potential topics to be discussed, in no particular order:

      • what is in store in the HPC landscape?
      • common VO requirements for HPC
      • cost-effective usage models of cloud resources?
      Conveners: Andrej Filipcic (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI)), Dr Maria Girone (CERN)
    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee break
    • HPC, cloud and opportunistic resources
      Conveners: Andrej Filipcic (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI)), Dr Maria Girone (CERN)
      • 19
        The vision of HPC and Quantum Computing in Europe
        Speakers: Mr Daniel Opalka, Ms Linda Gesenhues
      • 20
        US HPC blueprint workshop summary
        Speakers: Dirk Hufnagel (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US)), Fernando Harald Barreiro Megino (University of Texas at Arlington)
      • 21
        HPC/Cloud-as-a-service panel

        New technologies (non x86_64, GPU, FPGA, APUs, QC) need large SW development investment. How will you handle the effort (manpower, common projects)? Does the effort suffice? Are there high risks of failure to port SW to new platforms?

        Use of ML techniques is growing in many science domains, including HEP. How do you see the evolution of resource needs for specialized AI architectures? Would access to HPC sites resources help?

        There are many cross-domain forums, advisory groups, bodies, consortia (at least in EU) promoting and shaping HPC future (competence centers, centers of excellence, …). Would WLCG benefit to join them? US, EU, Japan, other countries, is there an organized effort to support HEP on HPCs?

        Clouds, what are the expectations for public and private cloud usage in the future?

        Speakers: Andrej Filipcic (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI)), Dr Maria Girone (CERN)
    • 12:30 PM
      Lunch break
    • AAI and Tokens

      Potential topics to be discussed, in no particular order:

      • status of the IAM services
      • VO readiness & plans for using IAM
      • status of DIRAC, Check-in, HTCondor
      • EGI site readiness
      • data management plans (maybe better in DOMA session)
      • resource trust evolution (CAs, cloud, ...)
      Conveners: Maarten Litmaath (CERN), Thomas Dack
      • 22
        Token transition state of affairs

        All these stakeholders should provide at least 1 slide on where they are with tokens, what hurdles they see and what plans are envisaged for next year:

        • experiments;
        • IAM devs;
        • IAM team at CERN;
        • HTCondor;
        • EGI Check-in;
        • ARC;
        • DIRAC;
        • Ops Coordination.

        Data management aspects will be discussed in a DOMA session on Monday.

        Speaker: Maarten Litmaath (CERN)
      • 23
      • 3:00 PM
        Coffee break
    • WLCG Collaboration Board (closed session)

      By invitation only

      Convener: Roger Jones (Lancaster University (GB))
    • 6:00 PM
      Reception Lancaster Physics

      Lancaster Physics

    • Facilities Training Room 2 (Lancaster House Hotel)

      Training Room 2

      Lancaster House Hotel

      Lancaster House Hotel

      Potential topics to be discussed, in no particular order:

      • long-term storage evolution / consolidation
      • HEPscore deployment proposal
      • new architectures (ARM, GPU, ...)
      • operational cost reductions (K8s?)
      • flat budget and HW costs
      • effects of increasing electricity prices
      • analysis facility aspects
      Conveners: Alastair Dewhurst (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)), Ofer Rind (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • 10:30 AM
      Coffee break
    • Facilities Training Room 2 (Lancaster House Hotel)

      Training Room 2

      Lancaster House Hotel

      Lancaster House Hotel

      Potential topics to be discussed, in no particular order:

      • long-term storage evolution / consolidation
      • HEPscore deployment proposal
      • new architectures (ARM, GPU, ...)
      • operational cost reductions (K8s?)
      • flat budget and HW costs
      • effects of increasing electricity prices
      • analysis facility aspects
      Conveners: Alastair Dewhurst (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)), Ofer Rind (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • 12:30 PM
      Lunch break Lancaster House Hotel

      Lancaster House Hotel

    • Facilities Training Room 2 (Lancaster House Hotel)

      Training Room 2

      Lancaster House Hotel

      Lancaster House Hotel
      Conveners: Alastair Dewhurst (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB)), Ofer Rind (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • 4:00 PM
      Coffee break Lancaster House Hotel

      Lancaster House Hotel

      Lancaster House Hotel
    • Workshop wrap-up: open discussion Training Room 2 (Lancaster House Hotel)

      Training Room 2

      Lancaster House Hotel

      Lancaster House Hotel
      Convener: Simone Campana (CERN)