3–7 Jul 2023
Faculty of Science, UPJS, Košice, Slovakia
Europe/Bratislava timezone

Astronomy and Arduino applications in Physics class

3 Jul 2023, 14:00
Room 1H (Socrates )

Room 1H


Oral presentation Interdisciplinary approaches and physics in STEM education Hybrid session - later


Maria PETO


Abstract. In this poster, few school projects are presented which helps to combine theoretical knowledge and students’ creative and innovative skills in STEM activities. The topic is applied in Physics classroom and in practical outdoor activities with the Science Club students. The activities are based on taking and analysis of astrophotos, designing of simple rovers and measuring devices controlled by an Arduino microcontroller. The goal is to develop students’ competencies in a way that is interesting and stimulating to them.

How would you like to present your contribution? Hybrid from my own country (early in the conference day, best for Asia, Australia ...)
Target education level (primary) Upper-secondary education


Presentation materials