Jul 3 – 7, 2023
Faculty of Science, UPJS, Košice, Slovakia
Europe/Bratislava timezone

STEAM-Active TLS design protocol

Jul 5, 2023, 4:00 PM
Poster 1 (Socrates)

Poster 1



Kristina Zuza (UPV/EHU (Applied Physics Department))


The STEAM-ACTIVE project (KA2-Erasmus+) aims to contribute to higher education innovation to train university students to produce meaningful learning, and to develop multiple competencies according to an interdisciplinary approach to solve socio-scientific-technical problems. As a result, a Protocol has been developed for Teachers to illustrate the STEAM project design methodology framework with active teaching methodologies, part of the project presented in this work. Moreover, an E-learning-based training course for engineering teachers is been designed. As a final result, a collection of STEAM-based Teaching-Learning Sequences (TLS) will be designed.

How would you like to present your contribution? Live in Košice (time slot to be allotted based on the programme)
Target education level (primary) University education


Kristina Zuza (UPV/EHU (Applied Physics Department)) José Gutiérrez Berraondo Mr Lorenzo TROMBETTI (University of Perugia) Ane Portillo-Blanco (UPV/EHU) Dr Edurne ITURBE-ZABALO (IMH Campus) Dr Linda BARELLI (University of Perugia) Dr Spiros SIRMEKESSIS (University of Peloponnese, Department of Electrical and computer engineering) Dr Alesio MORICONI (University of Perugia)

Presentation materials